While we don’t hear of persecution or martyrdom very often in - TopicsExpress


While we don’t hear of persecution or martyrdom very often in North America, the truth is - life for Christ followers in many other parts of our world is very difficult. In the Muslim countries, followers of Jesus are seen as infidels worthy of mistreatment or death because they follow Jesus rather than the prophet Mohammed, and they declare Jesus to be God incarnate rather than simply a nice historical figure. In Hindu nations the declaration that Jesus is superior to all other beings is, of course, offensive to their millions of other “gods.” In Communist nations, following Jesus as Savior and Lord is putting God ahead of the State and that cannot be tolerated. In America and western Europe, following Jesus as the only Savior and Lord is intolerant of other religions or opinions. Amazing isn’t it? Today as we read in Acts 7, Stephen, one of the Deacons selected in Acts 6, has opportunity to give a very clear presentation of Israel’s history and how Jesus Christ is the long awaited Messiah. The violent response to his message results in his execution… the first Christian martyr! That event, as tragic as it is, introduces us for the first time to the man who becomes one of the premier personalities of the New Testament, Saul later known as the Apostle Paul. Do you see him giving oversight to Stephen’s execution (Acts 8:1)? Do you see what happens next… an intense Jerusalem city-wide persecution which causes many Christ followers to pack up their belongings, leave their homes and jobs and flee the city for fear of death! Now look at the link between Acts 1:8 and 8:1. Do you see it? Jesus had told His close friends that He would send the Holy Spirit to them and under His power they were to spread out and tell His story. The Holy Spirit came… and they stayed, telling the story essentially only in Jerusalem and only to Jews. Persecution and passion finally fueled the movement outward to surrounding regions! Acts 8 is the glorious beginning of the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people and places outside the area where Jesus had lived His life and spoken His truth. Praise God for Philip, one of the first courageous men to see people other than Jerusalem Jews, who needed to know of Jesus Christ! Read this great chapter carefully and ask yourself about your neighbors, co-workers, friends… do they know Jesus? Are you the Philip they are waiting for? So what are you waiting for? It starts by caring about those around you… does Jesus? Digging Deeper ~ Pastor Doug Anderson
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 12:00:00 +0000

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