While we had a great time at Comic Con yesterday, there was one - TopicsExpress


While we had a great time at Comic Con yesterday, there was one big problem that arose at the end of the day. I wrote a letter to the organizers as follows: Im writing in regards to a problem that arose when we attended this years NYC Comic Com. A friend and I took our kids and their friends to Comic Con on Sunday, Oct 13. The girls all took advantage of the paid photo op with John Barrowman. However, when Comic Con ended for the day at 5:00, their pictures, along with many other attendees pictures, were not ready. We did not leave until nearly 6:30, and we were one of the lucky ones. We have since heard of many customers who did not receive their photos at all. While waiting extra time would not have been the worst thing in the world, and we do consider such disorganization a lack of consideration on the part of the organizers for Comic Cons paying customers, the real problem came when the crowd became angry and some people became aggressive. Our kids were mixed in with the crowd and we feared being able to get to them if anyone started serious trouble. Most of the crew who were trying to help customers were very young, inexperienced employees, who were trying their best to make right a situation they hadnt created, nor were prepared to deal with. These young people were going through the crowd trying to find those whose pictures they were carrying. We witnessed a few of the older employees being forceful with the crowd while trying as best they could to restore order. None of this was conducive to solving the problem. People were furious and refused to budge from their places in line when told to go to the back of the line or change lines. Security abruptly arrived in the form of about half a dozen large men, who were clearly hurrying there to make sure the crowd didnt get more unruly. I am appalled and angry that our children, the other attendees, and the crew were put at risk because Reed Exhibitions couldnt be bothered to organize this paid event in a more expedient and safe way. Comic Con is a wonderful event for which you are responsible to ensure is a safe place for attendees and your crew. customerhelpdesk@reedmidem reedexpo/Contact-Us/
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 00:30:02 +0000

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