While working out in a heated environment can have a few benefits, - TopicsExpress


While working out in a heated environment can have a few benefits, there are several bikram yoga health concerns and issues too that may arise because of it. Many Yoga experts state that an environment of around 105 to 110 degrees is not particularly severe enough to have a negative effective on the body; however, spending a prolonged duration in this environment, performing strenuous exercises, could trigger off side effects. Some of the bikram yoga health problems that people have experienced include pain, shock, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and extreme fatigue. Some people have been known to actually faint, after an entire session of Bikram Yoga. Since the warms could cause a false sense of added flexibility in the muscles, bikram yoga health hazards also include the added risks of injuries. Since the body loses a lot of moisture by way of sweat during a session, bikram yoga health studies also indicate that people are at a high risk of dehydration, if they do not take the appropriate steps to prevent it from happening. At times, during or after practicing bikram yoga, the temperature of the body may go so high that reducing body heat may become a bit of a challenge. Therefore, people should only decide to take up this yoga style after reading both, the positive and negative bikram yoga health effects. If you do decide to take up bikram yoga, do make sure that you are clad in the right hot yoga clothes and apparel during each session, to minimize the risks of any problems. There are sever other hot yoga accessories too that you can use to make your practice sessions safer, such as mats and towels. Never try to practice hot yoga at home, at least in the initial stages, even if you have access to books or video clips and can control the temperature of a room accurately. It is best for you to sign up with a yoga studio that holds classes in bikram yoga for beginners. Once you master the beginners poses in bikram yoga, you could also consider moving on to a more advanced level. However, it is absolutely essential for you to consult a fitness instructor, a yoga teacher and preferably a doctor before you decide to take up any form of yoga, especially bikram yoga. There are several contradicting reports on hot yoga and pregnancy for women who want to know if they can still continue to practice this yoga style even after they conceive. Instead of reading and following generic information, it is best for them to go through a physical checkup and get an approval from their doctors in this regard. Till then, pregnant women should refrain from practicing any form of yoga completely.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 18:11:55 +0000

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