While you are writing about the TDY decrease you can include a - TopicsExpress


While you are writing about the TDY decrease you can include a note about this. In an attempt to protect or military from predatory lending they are making so you can no longer have the ability to pay for certain items. Instead of going after the big banks or the unscrupulous lenders they make it impossible for a person who might be deployed to be able to be sure they have that car payment made on time. Here is quote The change, which officials said is designed to protect troops from unscrupulous commercial lenders, will go into effect Jan. 1, according to the military announcement. This will significantly improve protections for all service members and their families, while not significantly reducing the flexibility to use allotments for a number of legitimate purposes, the release said. I say go after those lenders dont make our active duty have to rely on a bank to be sure the payments are made. Your bank could miss a payment and then when you get back from deployment you dont have car and your credit is ruined. Also many young service member dont have a credit rating high enough to get a loan these allotments helps the lenders know they will get their money on time. The other part of the press release that bothers me is A 2012 analysis by that office show that the top 10 financial institutions that received allotments from service members included three suspected abusers, the release said. Those institutions received $1.38 billion of the $3.767 billion in allotments paid by service members in 2012. OK so if you know that one third of the payments go to abusers make it so they cant be eligible to receive allotments. There are way to think outside the box but big government is in bed with big business and our Active Duty is caught in a trap. STOP GOING AFTER THE LITTLE GUY WE ARE THE WORKER, THE DOERS, THOSE THAT PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE SO BIG BUSINESS HAS FREEDOM. We must help care for those who are still on Active Duty.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 06:32:02 +0000

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