Whilst listening to the 9.00am news this morning a gentleman came - TopicsExpress


Whilst listening to the 9.00am news this morning a gentleman came on the radio and said, ‘He is abused all the time and he received racist comments. Australia should go forward. To start with these type of people are the first ones who know they are in a position to stop the abuse of them. Secondly it will be these sort of people who would be on the phone to the next person to complain. This morning they had on the news about children committing suicide have mental health issues. I would dispute that. It would be nice if everything could be fixed with a pill. First what is impacting on that persons mental well being and what can be changed to help them. Is that child being abused. I know people who have had no mental illness and have committed suicide because of behaviour towards them. A person who knows what they are talking about that is the first thing that the Education Department will use on a family to cover up abuse, My child was abused from aged four years and with witnesses and she was bashed in the back and they would suffocate her. Her abuse by not only staff/teachers students but other parents went right through to her VCE. Because of their dishonesty and not owning up to the abuse the teachers led me to believe I had a naughty girl so the right support at times she did not get because there were times when I believed teaching staff who were not worthy of respect and doubted her when I was all she had in the world at the time and most the time. Evidence can be found even on her graduation night of the ridicule. It was a failed project but everyone ganged up on her and myself. The first tell tale signs are when the child comes home and may lash out at you or younger siblings but I had made sure there was no sibling jealousy. I got no respect because some of those teachers I had to put up with from aged 9 after the violation of my sister where they got drunk and carried on to the point that they had no respect in the later years as they believed they could interfere in my personal life. I never once disclosed the holes in the wall where the teacher would miss hit my sister in his drunken frenzy and naked with his mates or the fact he bad mouthed my parents but the turned around and took my teenage sister overseas and then ran out of funds very early and expected my parents to pay for the trip whilst he bludged off me in other ways. You move forward from there and start your own family but unfortunately they believed that gave them the right to reflect their values about what they thought they knew of me to not respect. Because of the bullying of several students after arguing for a separate playground for the smaller children to at least give them safe play the abuse got to labels and name calling when a teacher was so violent one day she picked up two children and threw them in the bin whist another was ganged up on by 13 staff and only one rep for something that was their responsibility and they still do not accept responsibility for the impact they had on students and family that went beyond reasonable tolerance. A child had hearing difficulties and they were called ignorant for not hearing. I started to teach so at least the children would be safe for at least two times a week out of the playground as the staff had no issues knowing the abuse and letting it happen by not even building how to stop bullying and prevention and conflict whilst all the prep teacher would do was cuddle after each episode of an attack on a child. Once child that all the staff talked bad about I showed no favouritism but never allowed negative talk about a child in my class. After about a month a teacher came to me and said, “I don’t know what you have done with this child but he is a happy boy and he has a complete turn around in behavior”. I did nothing but treat him with respect that he showed me as a teacher and human being, I never allowed negative talk in the room. They were so irresponsible that they could not even find a 4year old child one day who had been left to figure out for herself which bus to go on so she followed her class mate 2 weeks in the term. They blamed her. I could go further to the abuse that would make you cry and what they did but it is time the education department stopped blaming mental health issues for behaviour issues towards that child. My children despite their behaviours in front of me as a child I still showed my children to respect however I am sorry now with what they have done to them past present and future and how they have helped destroy my relationship with them to cover up what they need to be exposed about and it was not covered up for the best interests of the child. I did as they instructed to which the family turned on me and even after I did what I was instructed to do by them because they got a report that came back against them to what was un bias and I paid for they circulated and did nothing but abuse further to discredit. Never lose the bond with your child and always take advice from a trusted source as staff/ teachers can take dislikes to children but not own up and get away with it.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 01:31:58 +0000

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