Whilst researching old Newspaper articles for a book im writing, i - TopicsExpress


Whilst researching old Newspaper articles for a book im writing, i found this from 25th November 1843. Thought it may be interesting. Extraordinary Instance of Presence of Mind.—An extraordinary instance of presence of mind lately occurred at the quarries in the Ross of Mull, Argyllshire, now wrought for the pier in connection with the Skerryvore Lighthouse, by the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses. On the 17th ultimo, as Mr. Chas. Barclay, the foreman of the quarries, was engaged removing a splinter of stone from the face of a block of ten tons weight, which lay on an inclined ledge above lum, the block slid forward and inclosed his left hand, which was bruised in such a manner that two of Ins middle lingers were destroyed, and the sharp points of rock came contact the palm of the hand, so that it was held completely fast, as in a vice. In this dreadful situation Mr. Barclays great presence of mind and strength ot nerve proved the means of saving his life and those ot the men who were along with him. The first impulse of the men was to fetch a lever to raise the stone ana liberate the prisoner ; and had Mr. Barclays presence ot mind deserted him, or had he fainted under the excruciating torture he endured, this rash purpose would have been executed, and the stone would have launched forward and crushed him and his comrades beneath its mass. He, however, was enabled to direct their proceedings with wonderful degree of composure, and after some fruitless attempts to raise the block, Mr. Barclay resolved to cut out the stone round his hand the only means of escape. This painful operation occupied about twenty minutes, during wdiich time the tortures he endured did not prevent his working with the remaining hand in effecting his liberation from his extraordinary captivity. Mr. Barclay afterwards walked without assistance to the neighbouring village of Bunessan, two miles off, where Dr. MDiarmid, a gentleman who had lately returned from the Arctic expedition under Ross, removed the shattered bones. Next day Dr. Campbell, who acts surgeon to the Skerryvore works, arrived from Tyree, and conveyed his patient to the barracks at Hynish workyard, where he is fast recovering.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:03:10 +0000

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