Whilst shopping in Sainsburys this morning a delightful teenage - TopicsExpress


Whilst shopping in Sainsburys this morning a delightful teenage girl with Downs Syndrome said hello to me and asked me if I liked her new dress. She was with her mama and I chatted to the little girl, because thats really all she was - a very sweet little girl. Off I went and continued shopping and walked past her and her mama a few times more. At the check-out the person behind me said, I saw that girl bothering you - why do they bring them out into shops like that? Im not sure who was more stunned at my response - the complete f**ktard who was so disgusting in his opinion or me or the girl at the till. I said to him....you are a c**t. A complete and utter total f**king c**t. Im not exactly unworldly but I cannot comprehend this attitude for a second and knowing that attitudes like this actually exist I am so sad.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 11:03:49 +0000

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