Whilst watching this video prepared by the British Humanist - TopicsExpress


Whilst watching this video prepared by the British Humanist Association I said to my self THATS ALEVISM, for centuries we Alevis in Turkey and in the middle east have been prosecuted, oppressed, skinned alive and massacred for saying what this video shows. Alevis are the ANCIENT HUMANISTS, whilst trying to explain to people that heaven and hell is here & now, whilst trying to tell people to do good not for a reward, whilst teaching that we are part of nature and when we die our flesh and energy will return back to nature and form the atoms of other things, Alevis were prosecuted and silenced. Today Alevis are still victims of extremists like ISIS or Turkish Government for talking about HUMANISM and the HERE & NOW. We believe that every atom including humans have a life and put together they are one and part of the same cookie. Imagine our existence is one big cookie, stuck together its one cookie, but crumbled up its many pieces that make up the cookie. And we human beings are nothing but a mere dust compared to the planets, the sun, the universe, and so on. Therefore lets try very hard not to commit evil, but do good without a price, lets love and respect one another for we are part of the same cookie, because we are a piece of the cookie, therefore we are the cookie, so hurting another living being would be hurting our selves. Alevis believe living a good life and educating ones self and its surroundings to become an elighted individual, that does nothing but good, a selfless person that has rid itself from temptation and desires that force us to commit sins. We say that Heaven & Hell are Here & Now, for if you lead a good life you are in Heaven and if you lead a evil life you are in hell. We Alevis say you will be remembered and memory of you will live on for all the good deeds you do not the bad. So lets continue to love and respect each other. Iakm Cemevi Guney Londra Cem Evi Croydon Akm Ve Cemevi Bournemouth Alevi Coventry Abkm Cemevi Doncaster Cemevi Glasgow Cemevi
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:22:21 +0000

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