Whistle-blowing Kartar Singh, 515 Agarsen Colony Sirsa, - TopicsExpress


Whistle-blowing Kartar Singh, 515 Agarsen Colony Sirsa, Haryana-125055 Thursday, 15 January 2015. Worthy, the Chief Minister, The Government of Haryana, Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh. Subject: Complaint against 60% power theft in Rohtak; Recovery of Long Pending Power Supply Bills, and Regularisation of PDS connection. Sir, Reference to this dual subject matter, it is respectfully submitted that a number of complaints, based on empirical data have been filed to the state but the issue has not been taken into consideration so far. This overlooking implies loss of thousands of crores of rupees to argue with further effect of providing complexity to the system, and that is also for the ad ministerial omission perpetrated wilfully for compliance of illegal political commands, and with disobedience to the rule of law, and hence his submission. As a matter of fact, many groups of villages, and the bureaucrats have been causing so called line loss of 42-44%, which otherwise is by committing theft of power once their supply connection gets terminated for non-payment of bill on paper which otherwise remains connected illegally with or without the consent and/or observation of the concerned authorities. Many a times, the subordinate staff of the officer concerned or the JJ/SDE of the utility pays for the supply consumed by a differently-abled babu. This defiance of the decree of law, consumption of power continues without paying for it with the result that a regular customer of the utility suffers for the steep hike in supply charges. Even then the nigam remains in debt year after year simply for the said theft of power referred to as line-loss, the drama acted upon the people to bury the billing due towards non-payers instead of making efforts to recover the amount. This allegation is not for the whispering of a wise man but it is based on concrete data collected from all over the state. For instance, the Line loss occurred at IRO OP Divn Dharuheda (Memo no CH 8/RTI-570 Dated 31.12.2014) compared with the line loss data provided by the Sub-Division Meham, Rohtak (Memo no. : Ch.150/MSD 31 Dated 31/12/2014 wef 01.4.2012 to 30.9.2014), the reality of theft caused with the mala fide of the authorities under the political pressure of incorrigible politicians, gets exhibited like this. A Comparative Study of line-loss reported by the Sub-Divisions Meham, and Dharuhera respectively for a specific duration of 30 months. Month Meham (Rohtak) Dharuhera APR 12 63.79 14.47 May 12 68.7 17.15 Jun12 62.34 16.39 Jul 12 59.5 16.74 Aug12 62.3 12.39 Sep 12 64.74 11.43 Oct 12 62.85 13.32 Nov 12 62.47 16.77 Dec 12 62.28 19.14 Jan 13 64.81 17.03 Feb 13 68.62 11.66 Mar 13 66.31 16.10 Apr 13 65.97 13.60 May13 60.48 17.46 Jun 13 66.07 17.32 Jul 13 66.1 17.41 Aug 13 52.12 17.41 Sep 13 63.8 14.05 Oct 13 40.93 7.06 Nov 13 59.79 14.36 Dec 13 50.84 17.32 Jan 14 67.55 16.47 Feb 14 64.13 13.32 Mar 14 68.15 11.91 Apr 14 54.31 9.87 May 14 66.96 11.91 Jun 14 55.33 13.93 Jul 14 62.91 16.24 Aug 14 51.34 14.75 Sep-14 xxxxx 11.91 Perceptibly, the line loss occurred at Meham with the changed definition of the technical phrase line loss, and actually caused by theft under the illegal command of the political gangs, ranges between 40-50 percent in addition to the line loss detected by the Dharuhera division. The line loss reported at Dharuhera is not justified either. However, its downward trends may be attributable to the actual work done by the obedient authorities, minimising political influence. Otherwise, the comparative study of line loss in these two sub-divisions, neighbouring in location to each other, enable us to aptly add that there are no other intervening reasons for such a vide seen in power theft. It is also a fact that for one of the complaint, the office of the Chief Secretary was kind enough to take cognizance of the representation (captioned as Recovery of Power Supply Bills, and Regularisation of PDS connection, which got forwarded to the Principal Secretary Power through the official email id Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:24 AM. In turn, the recipient office seeded the order in the field as: “I am directed to request that the concerned officer may please be directed to take immediate necessary action and inform the concerned quarter under intimation to this office so that Principal Secretary/power could be apprised accordingly. Regards Dy. Secretary/Co-ordination HVPNL, Panchkula” In the original representation stated above, it was the submissions that huge amounts of power supply bills were pending towards the defaulting power consumers Haryana added with the facts that even high profile government/semi government offices, bureaucrats in their personal capacity, and big business houses happened to be habitual defaulters against what they consumed as power, and therefore, set appalling precedents for a common customer. Beyond this point, an aggravated situation obtained that the power being supplied was not being measured. The connections of the non-payers fell in PDC category on paper with the regular supply to the cursed customers by any means. To highlight the matter for its better understanding, a long list vide Memo No Ch-2/RTI-579 dated 23-6-2014, XEN Op Division DHBVN Jind was cited. Here, for a single sub-division, a sum of Rs 145670369.00 is due towards defaulters. The total amount for the entire district is told to be around rupees 850 crores, and the non-payers are earnestly in wait of any kind of waiver. Nevertheless, the nigams have not taken the order of the PS Power seriously, and the situation is as it was before passing of this order. Even the most highly paid bureaucrats could not be haggled with by the nigams to pay against the power they consume for their residences. For the babus, an RTI exposed DC Sirsa, SDM Sirsa, Bar Room, and the group of offices housed in the MINI SECRETARIAT Sirsa who comprise the toppers amongst the non-payers against power supply they consume, for their offices and for residence. Being the MODERN LORDS they behave with the nigam parallel to the people of Jind and Jhajhar when disconnections are intended to. Personal connections of these officers add to this nasty list of the privileged players of the state, who by consuming too much supply but being reluctant to pay for years together, and then getting transferred for next station/posting pending heavy amounts towards them, and the new incumbents having installed fresh connections, cause unnecessary burden on the regular (paying) consumers. Yet, this can be stated in public interest that set in such a situation that the state could never command them to pay, these officers generally consume 10-15 times of power they need in actual for their households as compared to an average house. Round the clock switching on mode of the ACs, heaters, geysers and other electric appliances amounting to hyped billing remains their status symbol. This matches with the evil of unnecessary use of government vehicles and exploitation of funds, preferably from the non-auditable accounts like E-Disha and Red Cross Fund. A three member family of contemporary DC Sirsa, Mr Anshaj Singh IAS, has become the mould example in its worst form by running 5 ACs, many cars, and having restructured his residence from the accounts unrevealed by even RTIs. And the supply bill is pending for long. This is all against his entitlement to all these facilities. To media coverage of the evil, they wear wigs of shamelessness, and continue with their routine rout. Then, against complaints of this nature they have their ‘mentors’ and big bosses, regularly fed officially as per RTIs, to protect them whenever needed. Otherwise, the JUSTICE if done, might have landed him in dock demanding all the amounts due towards him. Pending supply bills of the majority of the offices, and officers therein justifies putting these defaulters in the same category of cheats, nonchalantly. Nor are the judicial officers, as per the data pouring in depict, the faithful citizen and majority amongst them, is seen alike the IAS lobby. A separate representation addressed to the Registrar High Court is in line to follow this one for seeking correctional advice to them in the light of the judicial decree awarded in their favour for getting 50% exemption from supply bills. Evidently, this stately status of the differentially able-d persons of the state read with their personal needs of chauvinism requires strict disciplinary actions against them. With such concrete evidence on paper, the issues suffice to attract the kind attention of the high profiles of the State of Haryana and the Government of India to be addressed properly for the political scenario of the absolutely politicised state of Haryana. Accordingly, it is prayed humbly that for obtaining legal equality for all the power customers in the state of Haryana State, our good offices’ may kindly be pleased to: i. Order for the constitution of a high-profile enquiry panel to probe into the causes of an average 60% line loss in Meham Sub-division, and other division observing such an altitude of power theft, fixing iability of the authorities who were adamant to be compliant to their political bosses and thereby facilitating power theft for their fixed vote bank. ii. A CAGI audit for the POWER THEFT wrongly read as LINE-LOSS be ordered, and the line-loss reported more than 10% or so may be attributed to the negligence of the authorities, and the same may be recovered from them, and/or proper FIR be got registered for the reported offence of continual theft for long. iii. The entire amounts due towards all defaulting customers may kindly be ordered to be recovered as per revenue recovery rules in the entire state, instead of disconnecting supply for paper work minimising the POWER THEFT generally shunned off as LINE LOSS. iv. All the defaulting IAS/IPS officers in paying for the power they consume at residences in general but DC Sirsa, and SDM Sirsa in particular may be got issued memos by the HOME MINISTERY of INDIA and the UPSC to this effect of non-paying against the supply bills for long. v. No customer be allowed to consume power without metered supply and due BILLING, and all those being referred as PDCs with dishonest warranty to continue with power supply be forced to get installed METERS instantly since India is not SOMALIA with a failed state to enforce rule. vi. The defaulting customers be made to pay on the average basis for the period of their being PDCs since they continue to get supply in default. vii. No Supply bill waiving scheme be allowed to be weaved in by any political party since this sets a dreadful precedent, and utterly violates Right to Equality. It is believed that the prayer clause having 7 points will be got probed through the special panel set for this purpose, or CBI for setting a good precedent to rein in the usurper of power, the IAS/IPS clan, and alienating all kinds of political intervention in the matters of recovery of due amounts, theoretically from each consumer of power, presence of law would be felt to decide the fate of non-payers, rogues, thieves, and thugs. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Kartar Singh DA: Copy paste of previous complaints including the RTIs as ATTACHMENT. Copy of the above plaint to the following authorities for their kind information, and necessary action against the defaulters. 1. Hon’ble Home Minister, GOI, New Delhi 2. Worthy Chairman, UPSC, New Delhi. 3. Worthy Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary Power, Haryana. 4. All the concerned authorities of the nigam(s) 5. All Deputy Commissioners for their information.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:16:03 +0000

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