White House sits on Black roots By ALTON H.MADDOX, JR. T Gov. - TopicsExpress


White House sits on Black roots By ALTON H.MADDOX, JR. T Gov. Eugene Talmadge ordered public schools to remove any books referencing a Black person. This order was signed on September 11,1941.It would predate the disaster at the World Trade Center by 60 years. Talmadge was a dye-in-the-wool white supremacist who encouraged white terrorism against Blacks. He was Georgia’s “Adolph Hitler.” By the time I had graduated from Central High School, Blacks were finally able to learn about Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver. Some teachers would cross the line and talk about a few non-threatening Blacks. Many public school systems were forbidden to name a school after a Black person. In many Georgia counties, Black students could only graduate from training schools. “Training School” appeared on diplomas. These diplomas revealed the dual purpose of public education. Whites could be educated. Blacks could only respond to training. I was fortunate. My mother owned a personal collection of Black history books in addition to a collection of Black literature. In addition, I developed a fondness for military history and military science. These books gave me an understanding of a militarized country. Howard University broadened my educational horizon. There were teachers like Chancellor Williams and Nathan Hare. Students, like Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown, officially or unofficially, attended Howard. There was a Black revolution in the 1960s. Against this backdrop, I am surprised that most Blacks believe that Sen. Barack Obama will become the nation’s first Black president. For me, this myth was exploded in the 1960s with J.A. Rodgers’ “Five Negro Presidents.” These presidents arose under the U.S. Constitution. There is also a sixth Black president. Moreover, John Hanson, a Moor, was the nation’s first president. His presidency arose under the Articles of Confederation, which preceded the Constitution. When the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation, the prior seven presidents were erased from United States history. The Iroquois Confederacy enabled this country to move from the Articles of Confederation to the U.S. Constitution. Five Indian nations, centered in upstate New York, had developed the system of federalism, which would give legs to this nation’s legal and economic blueprint. Federalism divides legal authority between a strong central government and the states. The “Founding Fathers” were xenophobic and prejudiced. Racism is a separate question. They framed a system of white supremacy and misogyny to govern a relatively diverse nation. These men were ergophobic. They would balance race against necessary talent to propel the nation forward. Meritocracy gave rise to Andrew Hamilton, this nation’s banking and government architect, and Thomas Jefferson, architect of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson said, “Science is my passion; politics, my duty.” George Washington and Jefferson were Masons. Hamilton became the nation’s first treasury secretary on September 11,1789.He also founded the Bank of New York and the New York Evening Post, among other contributions. President Woodrow Wilson described Hamilton as a “very great man, but not a great American.” Gov. Sarah Palin suggested that Obama is not a “real American.” Divorce was expensive in the British Crown. Rachel Faucette, Alexander Hamilton’s mother, who was an octoroon, had been married to Johann Michael Lavien. He was reportedly a Jew, but he disowned it. Before this divorce was finalized, she had entered into a “common law” relationship with James Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton was born on January 11,1755,on the island of Nevis. His “illegitimacy” barred him from receiving Anglican instruction. Thus, he ha d no formal schooling in the West Indies. Instead, he was tutored, individually, by Sephardic Jews who had escaped persecution in Brazil and also by his French Hugenot mother. Hamilton was bilingual. Jefferson and Hamilton were the twin pillars of George Washington’s presidency. While Washington was the wealthiest man in the United States, he needed the brainiest men to shape the nation’s future. Washington had an appreciation for talent. Hamilton was his treasury secretary and Jefferson was his secretary of state. This would prove to be a powder keg awaiting a match. They were both hiding a secret, and they harbored diametrically opposed political and economic philosophies. This led them to father adversarial political parties. In modern parlance, Hamilton advocated federalism and Jefferson pushed states’ rights. Jefferson enslaved many Africans. Hamilton was an abolitionist. Hamilton favored a central bank. Jefferson opposed it. Jefferson would tie Aaron Burr in the Electoral College for the presidency. Congress would favor Jefferson. Burr served as vice president under Jefferson until he resigned in 1804 to seek the governorship of New York. Believing that Hamilton was badmouthing him, Burr challenged him to a duel on July 11,1804.A fatal bullet killed Hamilton in Weehawken, New Jersey. This assassination killed Burr’s political career. Jefferson killed two birds with one stone. Outwardly, Jefferson gave to this country all the appearances of being racist, especially in his book “Notes on the State of Virginia.” His contradictory relationship with Sally Hemmings, an enslaved African, is puzzling if you consider that Jefferson had “Black blood.” His verdict on Blacks caused a verbal war between himself and Benjamin Banneker on Black intelligence. This country needed Banneker to complete the survey of Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., is called “Chocolate City” for more reasons than its demographics. Anthony Browder, an esteemed Egyptologist, calls it the “Nile on the Potomac.” The nation’s capital was designed by Banneker and it is rooted in Kemetic architecture and symbols. His story is universally taught in schools. It is based on mythology, and it accommodat es white supremacy. African lives were devalued in the Constitution. His story has not only enslaved Africans psychologically, but it has also imprisoned whites psychologically as well. Otherwise, the six Black presidents before Obama would never have had to deny their African ancestry. Even Obama has to fib when he is asked about his feelings on being the first Black president of the United States. He is only promoting a racial fallacy. St. John 8:32: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Obama must ensure that his keys to the White House are more than the second Emancipation Proclamation. Freedom and emancipation are not synonyms. After South Africa ended apartheid, the country established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Apartheid in South Africa was not as protracted nor as intense as slavery and Jim Crow in the United States, which have given rise to genocide and mentacide. Descendants of enslaved Africans are in dire need of a truth commission in the United States to declassify the political, economic and cultural contributions of Africans to the country’s formation. Truth will militate against Obama fostering racial fallacies, myths and stereotypes for political advantage. Without a truth commission, history could repeat itself. Black men were appointed or elected to Congress, a governor- ship and other state offices after the ratification of the Reconstruction amendments. These elections only heightened racial violence. White terrorism would accompany the presence of Blacks in political offices. The KKK and law enforcement agencies were in its vanguard. There was no truth commission, and white supremacists continued to exploit racial fallacies, myths and stereotypes and to ignite white terrorism. This nation is still divided in 2008, with whites holding the balance of political and economic power, at the very least. Abraham Lincoln may have been able to emancipate the “slaves,” but he was unable to free them. It will be another 40 years before the “minorities” in the United States become the majority and, afterward, it will take a racial coalition to stamp out white supremacy. Truth is a beginning.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:14:22 +0000

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