White Privilege. Heres a tough turd to swallow for we whities. - TopicsExpress


White Privilege. Heres a tough turd to swallow for we whities. Maybe you realize it exists. Maybe youve not considered it. Maybe you will speak up against it, because it is psychologically uncomfortable. Deep, fundamental unfairness in a system is uncomfortable, especially when that system controls our lives. And especially when you are the beneficiary-by-chance of the unfairness in your favor. You were born with white skin. It plays out in countless ways, some explicit and some under the radar, which must be ferreted out with social studies. Blacks disproportionately imprisoned for non-violent drug crimes, despite social studies showing any subsection of humans has about the same incidence of drug use. That includes white guys in suits in an office, like me. I dont think Ill be going to prison for my drug use any time soon. Two resumes go out, one with a stereotypical black name, one with a good old-fashioned white name. The white name gets disproportionately called back, despite otherwise identical credentials on the resume. Average white families have nearly $100,000 more in wealth than average black families. Social studies have shown before being asked whether prison sentencing should be tougher, if were shown more black faces than white, we call for tougher sentences. If were shown more white faces than black, we call for more lenient sentences. Disproportionate amounts of political representatives, white, and not black. Disproportionate business leadership. Hollywood has learned a certain ratio of blacks that are safe to put in a mainstream movie, before it becomes a niche black movie that white people will not go see. A profitable market for hair products to make black hair more white. Hell, even in some former colonies of western powers, a profitable market for skin whiteners. On. And on. And on. Are you aware of the societal gift you were given, simply by being born white? It is a very, very valuable asset you received while coming into this world, which was not given to everyone. I hope you are enjoying its perquisites. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_privilege
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:17:12 +0000

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