White River Fishing Report for Nov. 4 After becoming tired of - TopicsExpress


White River Fishing Report for Nov. 4 After becoming tired of sitting around the house watching the rain, gathered my fishing gear together and headed out to see if the trout were in the mood to play. Stopped at the launch ramp at Bertrand and moved downstream towards Spider Creek. The trout bite was pretty good, resulting in action on each of the five colors, (yellow, salmon peach, garlic, hatchery formula and spring green), used. The quickest bite was on garlic, followed by hatchery formula. There was one fisherman, (woman) fishing at the ramp with pink and white power eggs. She had caught four, two of which she had released so they could go back and grow up. She switched to white and yellow eggs, and had not fared as well. After chatting with her for a few minutes, it was off to Parker Bend to check the bite. There were two fly fishermen on the ramp, but had not had much luck using a micro jig and a wooly booger. They were going to switch to midges as I moved down river. Threw some yellow and some garlic paste at the holes downstream from the ramps. The only thing that caught the trout attention was rainbow. After deciding that it was time for lunch, I wrapped up the outing and headed home, damper, but no longer bored! There was generation scheduled for 8 AM which did not occur. Generation is scheduled for 6 through 8 PM. The weather forecast calls for a cloudy, rainy day with a high temperature of 55 degrees F. with winds from the NNW at 5 MPH.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:51:11 +0000

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