White Tuna That white tuna on your plate of sushi may, in - TopicsExpress


White Tuna That white tuna on your plate of sushi may, in reality, be far less expensive escolar, which is a fish that is banned in other countries including Italy and Japan because it has a high content of waxy esters that contribute to a kind of food poisoning called gempylotixism. The FDA approved escolar for consumption in the early 1990s, but the agency advises against selling or eating it. Maple syrup, honey These products can often be filled with high fructose corn syrup and other sugars, thereby diluting their purity and making them fraudulent. Dont be duped So, how do you know if what you are buying is legitimate or fraudulent? Lipp says there are a number of steps consumers can take to avoid being duped. They include: doing your homework and not being afraid to contact manufacturers to inquire about their ingredients, buy whole foods when possible, and know what a bargain is and what isnt. For instance, if you spot an entire gallon of extra virgin olive oil that is far cheaper than similar products, youre probably not getting a legitimate product. Sources:nydailynews foodfraud.org/ naturalnews
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:40:15 +0000

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