White privilege, black affirmative action, Hispanic illegals and - TopicsExpress


White privilege, black affirmative action, Hispanic illegals and on and on...when will America realize that talking about race isnt going to solve anything. Racism...making ANY decision (good or bad) about a person based on their heritage...is a symptom of a deeper heart sickness that must be faced and addressed in all of us. It isnt popular to say this but, honestly, we have ALL had racist thoughts, racist feelings, racist fears, and unfortunately, some have even allowed these thoughts and fears to escalate into racist actions. Trying to stop racism by talking about it is like trying to stop a speeding train by putting your foot out the door. If we truly want to see healing in this country...if we truly want to see reconciliation between brothers and sisters, not whites and blacks or blacks and Hispanics, but between the children of God...we need to start focusing on becoming and making disciples of Christ. We have talked about the reconciliation of the races (the Bible says that there is no such thing as races, that ALL are equally the children of God) for over 60 years and it is as bad today as it was back then. Sure, the chains might be different, but the heart behind racism is alive and well. We need to start loving God first and then start to allow Him to transform our hearts to love others. We need to see others as our siblings, as our family, as those whom God loves AS MUCH as He loves us. Our BEST efforts to fix this problem have only made it worse...when will we realize that heart transformation and heart healing can only come from God and not from within ourselves. We lack the ability, the will, the desire and light to stop the evils that racism has reaped upon our world.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 13:39:40 +0000

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