Who Are Your Neighbours From The Monotheistic and Buddhist Point - TopicsExpress


Who Are Your Neighbours From The Monotheistic and Buddhist Point of View ? I have already explained that all systemic parts are neighbours to one another to complete the perfection of any actual entity. Every actual entity is God or Buddha existence. In Buddhism, you are the self. The self is principal contigent cause ; the other is the dependent neighbour. A neigbour is the supporting contigent condition. Existence is the unity of both contigent cause (self) and conditions (others). Existence is Emptiness (Sunyata) which is the unity of self and other. Let us assume that you are now working as a secretary of a large manufacturing corporation. A secretary is posited in the main administrative department which manages all other supporting departments and fully responsible to the executive general manager. The departments consist of purchase deparatment, sales department , accounting department, control department, production department, marketing department and so forth. Therefore, the chief executive secretary assisting the general manager , ought to regard all other departments and their staff members as the company secretarys close neighbours from the Monotheistic point of view. These close neighbours are to be regarded as your supporting contigent conditions from the Buddhist point of view. All the supporting departments must be submitted or interconnected to the executive secretary. The executive secretary must be submitted or interconnected to the general manager. The executive general manager ought to be submitted or interconnected to the board of directors. The directors must be submitted or interconnected to the general meeting of the shareholders. Therefore, we see the interconnected network of interbeing between all neghbours or deparatment staffs who must unite to serve the main Master which is the business corporation itself. The business corporation is the organic totality of the unbroken Whole .The Whole is being served by all interconnected neighbours or contigent conditions. The business corporation is Emptiness or the Unity of God existence. Therefore, we witness the Spirit of Truth of God and the Truth Body of Buddha is omnipresent in the the business corporation and in each staff member. Business and Buddhism are Non-duality.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 05:16:28 +0000

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