Who Else Is In There While I was taking my many radiation - TopicsExpress


Who Else Is In There While I was taking my many radiation treatments for my Cancer, I had to, or got to, rely on God to take me through that challenging journey. It was as much a mental battle as physical. The Cancer Radiation Center had a specific room that housed the advanced radiation machine which dosed me with the radiation. I lay on a table and was pulled into a tunnel like area of the machine and therapy began. I was alone in the room during treatment as all of the personnel went to an adjacent room full of computers and other electronics. They also had a microphone and camera to be able to communicate with me at any and all times. Wow Well during one of my treatments everything began as usual and I went into the machine as usual. But then I began having some pain and discomfort during the treatment- something I had never before experienced. I then prayed to my Heavenly Father for help. As I continued to lie there the therapist began talking to me through the speaker. I told him of my pain and he encouraged me to just hold on. He then also said there was a problem with the radiation area. Several therapists then came into the room checking things out, then left. Finally they again spoke to me and said the problem was that the computer was saying that there was another person in the room even though they could see no one there. He then placed the machine on over ride and finished my treatment. I finished the treatment with tears as I knew who that other person was that they could not see. Im sure they probably asked; Who Else Is In There But I so sweetly knew. My loving Savior was there with me. Wow In Daniel, Chapter 3, King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of Gold and decreed that after hearing a certain music all people had to bow down and worship this image. If they refused to worship they would be cast into the blazing furnace. Well after a while the King was told that several Jews refused to bow down to the image. So Nebuchadnezzar summoned Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and they told him that they would only worship the one and only God. Nebuchadnezzar was so furious that he had the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual and had Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego tied up and thrown into the furnace. After awhile Nebuchadnezzar looked into the furnace and asked; Didnt we put three bound men into the furnace. Then why do I now see four men freely walking around and the fourth looks like the Son of God. Yes, Nebuchadnezzar, Who Else is in There? Yes, this world is a challenging place. Many things go wrong and many times you find yourself in a physical, mental, or spiritual battle for which you are not prepared. But I tell you this. You are never alone. Your loving Father will be with you through all the trials and tribulations. Lean on him. Count on Him. For he is there. And dont be surprised when youre in a challenging place supposedly alone and people look in and ask Who Else Is In There? Let them answer their own question. It must be the Son of God..
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:57:28 +0000

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