Who Is Michael The Archangel? Part 1 The Key Is in the - TopicsExpress


Who Is Michael The Archangel? Part 1 The Key Is in the Name First, lets consider the meaning of some words and names. In the Greek New Testament, the word angel means messenger, and arch means chief, principle, greatest, or highest. So archangel simply means highest or greatest messenger. The Hebrew name Michael, found in the Old Testament, means who is like God or sometimes it forms a question: Who is like God? So the title Michael the archangel can be translated as The greatest messenger who is God. Whether this name is a question, statement, or a challenge will be clear by further study. One angel did profess to be like God. That covering cherub fallen from the heavenly courts is Lucifer, who became the devil or Satan, by claiming to be like the most High Isaiah 14:14. In Revelation 12:7, Satan is opposed by Michael and his angels and is cast out of heaven. The Angel of the Lord The phrase angel of the Lord is found 68 times in Scripture. Sometimes it applies to Gabriel who appeared to Daniel, Zacharias, and Mary. But Gabriel is called an angel of the Lord (Luke 1:11). He is not referred to as the angel of the Lord. Neither is he ever called the archangel. (And while we’re on the subject, the popular angel Raphael does not appear anywhere in Scripture.) Gabriel is probably one of the two covering cherubs who flank the throne of God. Remember that he said to Zacharias, I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, (Luke 1:19). Lucifer once held the other position before his fall (Ezekiel 28:14). If the highest rank held by an angel is that of the covering cherubs by the throne of God then who and what is an archangel? And who is this mighty individual identified as the angel of the Lord who performs such prominent roles in the redemption of man? God the Father created all things through Jesus (Hebrews 1:2; Ephesians 3:9). It is not implausible to assume that if Christ came to earth and became a man in His battle against Satan to save human beings, He might also have in some way identified with the angels to protect them from Satans evil influence in heaven. In fact, there are several references in Scripture to a mysterious being identified as the angel of the Lord before Christs earthly incarnation. Yet each time He is mentioned, there are clues to His identity. Lets review them briefly in the order in which they appear.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:19:57 +0000

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