Who Really Authored the Quran? (URL) Its no secret that while - TopicsExpress


Who Really Authored the Quran? (URL) Its no secret that while Muhammad may have been illiterate, he certainly wasnt deaf, and was surrounded by formerly Christian and Jewish wives, concubines and slaves taken as spoils of war booty, as well as friends and acquaintances. In Anatomy of the Quran G.J.O. Moshay writes: From a number of Islamic books we gather that Mohammed was surrounded by many Christians - even if nominal. One of them was Waraqa ibn Naufal, the cousin of Khadija, Mohammeds wife. One of his wives, Umm Habbibah, was formerly the wife of a Christian, Ubaidullah ibn Jahsh. Another wife of Mohammed, Miriam, and her sister, Sirin, were Christian slaves given to Muhammad. Biographer Ibn Ishaq records that Abdullah ibn Salam (one of the best reciters of the Quran) was a seasoned Jewish Rabbi before he became a Muslim and personal friend of Muhammad. We can at least add Rayhanah bt. Amr to that list, who was a Jewess of the tribe of the Banu Quaryza who Muhammad took as a concubine from his spoils of war booty, after his mass murder of the Banu Qurayza. Sura 16.103 We know indeed that they say, It is a man that teaches him. The tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear. Again quoting from Anatomy of the Quran by G.J.O. Moshay: The man that teaches him is a young Christian friend of Muhammad called Jabr, whom Muhammad always visited at Marwah Quarters, not too far from his house. The allegation was that when Muhammad visited Jabr and heard the stories of the Bible, some were put on record. People believed that Muhammad usually presented these parchments and claimed he had received them hot from heaven through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad refuted this strong allegation through another revelation from Gabriel. The defense was that since Jabr was of a foreign tongue (he was not an Arab by birth), he could not have taught Muhammad anything. But it does not matter if Jabr was a non-Arab. Since he had stayed long in Arabia, he could have known Arabic very well and related his stories to Muhammad in good Arabic. How could Jabr be a close friend of Muhammad (if he did not understand Arabic) since Muhammad did not understand any other language? We must realize too that Muhammads main Secretary was a Jew. According to Muslim writer Muhammad Haykall, Muhammad... ...had chosen him (the Secretary) for his capacity to write letters in Hebrew and Syriac as well as Arabic. After the evacuation of Jews from Madinah, the Prophet no longer trusted a non-muslim to write his letters. If Muhammads own Secretary was of a foreign tongue and yet well versed in Arabic, Syriac and his own Hebrew language, then it is not inconceivable to get Hebrew scriptures and literature interpreted and translated into Arabic by the Secretary. Since the Secretary was such a brilliant fellow and was versatile in these three languages, therefore, the alleged brilliance of the language of the Quran is not a necessary and sufficient proof of heavenly authorship. Rather, it can be a reflection of the brilliance of Jabr, since Muhammad is believed to have been illiterate. In fact the case of Jabr was so well known to the people in Mecca that they began to mock Jabr as the Holy Spirit or Angel Gabriel from whom Muhammad was receiving some of his revelations. Regarding Mohammeds claim of the Quran being pure Arabic there are over 100 non-Arabic words in Persian, Syriac, Hebrew, old Egyptian, Assyrian and Greek. So even Mohammeds claimed proof in the above sura is untrue. For example the word for Gospel, Injil, is a Syriac word. Plagiarism in the Quran (URL) Quran 8:31: When Our Signs are rehearsed to them, they say: We have heard this (before): if we wished, we could say (words) like these: these are nothing but tales of the ancients. The reason the Quraish said that is of course because they were tales from before Muhammad. Moshay: It has been established that verses 1,29, 31 and 46 of Sura 54 (Surat al-Qamar) were lifted from a poem of a pre-Islamic poet, Imraul Qais. Even at the time of Muhammad, some sneered at the challenge to produce a chapter like it. For example the poet Imraul Qais daughter was still alive when Muhammad started his religion. One day this lady was listening to Muhammad reciting the revelations he had just received hot from heaven from his Angel Jubril. She recognized the verses from her fathers poems, and stood aghast and amused, wondering how these could be a revelation written by Allah and preserved in the Preserved Tablet in heaven from before the creation of the world! Another time, this lady met Fatima, Muhammads daughter, reciting the first verse of Surat Qamar. Qais daughter said: Oh that is what your father has taken from my fathers poems (Mollaqat) and calls it something that has come down to him from heaven! If the original works of a secular Arab poet could be seen in the Quran, then it is scarcely of any use to maintain the claim that the Quran is so wonderful that the most learned Arab or even a spirit could not produce its kind. The Bible records that the Lord Jesus was born in a manger. The Quran says that he was born under a palm tree. Sura 19:29-31 speaks of a one-day-old baby Jesus speaking in the cradle. These errors did not originate in the Quran. They were lifted from an Arabic apocryphal fable written in Egypt titled First Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ. The original fable says: .....Jesus spake even when he was in the cradle, and said: Mary, I am Jesus the son of God. That word which thou didst bring forth according to the declaration of the angel..... In the Quran, however, the expression son of God was changed to slave (or servant) of God. There is also the story of a young Jesus making a live bird out of clay. There is no biblical basis for such a story. But this story is found to have been culled from the anthology of fables called Gospel of Infancy referred to above. Several of such stories abound. - Anatomy of the Quran by G.J.O. Moshay Any Christian would readily accept the challenge to produce a chapter like it, indeed far more beautiful than anything the Quran has to offer, from a book that was penned hundreds of years before Muhammad was ever born. I would suggest that any rational follower of Muhammad that reads Anatomy of the Quran by G.J.O. Moshay, will run from Muhammads anti-religion like a scalded dog. From Dr. Rafat Amaris 20 year full-time study: THE TRUE STORY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE OF MECCA: Asa’d Abu Karb, also called Tubba, occupied the city of Yathrib before coming to Mecca.[vi][6] It seems he found many temples in Yathrib, but when he came to Mecca, he didn’t find any temple there. Because the inhabitants were recent emigrants from Yemen, Asa’d Abu Karb built them a modest temple in the Yemeni style. He did this to connect the people with himself. He also wrote a poem in which he described the sun setting in a spring of black mud, something Mohammed included in the Qur’an. Tubb’a also tried to build bridges with the Jewish community in Yathrib. He learned their religious thoughts and rites. He learned the Jewish myths, such as the legend of the hoopoe bird that announced the kingdom of Saba to Solomon. This myth came from the Jewish mythological book called the Second Targum of Esther. Mohammed incorporated the same myth into the Qur’an. falseprophetmuhammad/tracts_of_false_prophet_muhammad.htm
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:43:41 +0000

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