Who We Really Are! This is itself worth thinking about; and if - TopicsExpress


Who We Really Are! This is itself worth thinking about; and if you follow me for a few minutes you’ll see that it is an inevitable vision of truth. Let’s see: When we stand facing the night sky, in awe before its beauty and grandeur, and we try to comprehend it, to think it, and to have it in its totality, we can feel in ourselves the urge to do all that. It is not as if we can stare at the stars and not experience the awe and the urge and the impulse to contemplate it, one way or another. Given the internal and spontaneous nature of this urge, now let’s ask ourselves who is this being that is looking up at the universe and feels that urge to comprehend it? And where did it come from? Let’s see: It all started with a primordial and pure form of energy; it then expanded and made stars, then galaxies, then planets and solar systems, all in virtue of the force and impulse of that original energy. For life to evolve on earth the moon had to revolve it, like a pilgrim revolving the Mecca, for some billion years so we could be; and then we are here forgetting how we ended up here. So it took around 13.7 billion years for that primordial energy to turn into something, into consciousness, capable of looking back at itself. That pure and primordial energy, that ground of Being, God, had to wait 13.7 billion years in order to be able see itself retrospectively, reflect on itself with awe, and trying to comprehend itself through what we call human being. So the next time you, as consciousness, look up the sky and feel the awe and the urge, know that what you feel is the awe and the urge of that primordial energy; know that you are god, that energy, looking back at itself and its own creation so to comprehend and appreciate it, its own beauty, glory, and grandeur. We are indeed god-in-becoming. Fa-Tabarak-Allah.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:48:20 +0000

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