Who am I? Where I come from? And where I go? These are typical - TopicsExpress


Who am I? Where I come from? And where I go? These are typical but genuine questions one must ask to himself/herself. The problem is for those who think only worldly ways of life and are the ones who find it difficult to answer these questions. After all, there are two types of people in this world. The materialists and spiritualists. Materialists are those who view things always on a worldly way or materialistic outlook. Their very concepts on the origin of species itself differs from the other ones i.e. the spiritualists. The materialists mostly are followers of the scientific theory of the ‘Big Bang’ or the Darwinist theory of Evolution. They have their own justification to follow such theories. But, one fact on which they still grope for an answer is: what came first – egg or chicken. They couldn’t, as yet, establish scientifically or otherwise of either. These people are, therefore, mostly not sure ‘Who are they’, ‘where they come from’ and ‘where they really go’. They want to prove scientifically on all these three questions. They are the worlds wisest they boast, as they have sought for answer to these questions through their worldly, myopic wisdom, knowledge or understanding. But they all knowingly forget one thing that all the so called scientific knowledge or understanding, at least some amongst them gained, were mostly discerning these through their interaction with men of deep vision or divine knowledge and understanding. St. James, an Apostle of Christ, in chapter 3:13-18, writes in 1st century AD that “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual and demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure and then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace”. Those few verses contain everything about the two kinds of wisdoms – earthly and heavenly - wisdom of this world and the divine wisdom or wisdom from the above. When one evaluate the characteristics of people of the two kinds that are already available in the world – i.e. the earthly (worldly, mortal beings) and the divine (spiritual) people, the people, who, though look ordinary men but have extra-ordinary spiritual knowledge and understanding. They may, to a larger extent, prove foolish before the so called earthly, proud, materialistic or those who pose themselves as the worldly knowledgeable ones. Through their humility, peace ability, meekness/lowliness, the divine knowledgeable person may sound weak, rather lowly or innocent but the fruits of his labor, actions or understandings, he exemplify extra-ordinary courage and will-power. Such ones won’t expect any award, accreditation or reward for his efforts, whereas they find satisfaction only in the ultimate result of his endeavor. The real clash going on in contemporary world is now in between these two distinct schools of thought. The world would soon emerge in two camps of these distinct groups to prove their supremacy. God is a God of justice, peace and good-will. At the same time, He holds the ultimate sovereignty over his creation that includes everything. seen and unseen, visible or invisible, hidden or open, is His creation and for His glory only. No people or groups of any caste, community or religion can boast that they hold the authority over the land of any country in this world, as in accordance with the Scriptures. “The Earth is the LORD’s and all its fullness, the world and all those who dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1). It is amply clear, therefore, that it is the LORD GOD Almighty who decide who should reside and where. It is a very sad commentary on the part of some people who are maintaining so narrow, sectarian, fundamentalist, rigid ideology or stand that certain country or province are specifically assigned or rather meant to them, and to them alone. How can that be? The sum and substance of entire Hindu philosophy or Scriptures cleanly envision “Vasudaiva Kudumbakam” (The World as a family). What does that mean? How can then a particular majority group can cultivate the feeling that the whole country belongs to that group and they have the right to declare that country or nation branded as belonging to that majority group alone. The recent narrow minded, sectarian feeling expressed by men claiming as the heads of some fringe groups of the Hindutva parivar, not to allow people of a particular minority group not to purchase land or houses in the majority area, sound mundane. In a metropolitan city like Mumbai such instances were reported earlier too. The latest controversy over declaration of Sania Mirza, a Tennis icon of international repute, who was chosen as the ‘Brand Ambassador’ of the newly formed state of Telangana, that she is now a daughter-in-law of Pakistan due to her marriage with a Cricket player of Pakistan. Sania Mirza’s hear-breaking statement that ‘she is an Indian and she will remain so till her last breath’ is something this nation must very seriously ponder over. After all, who are they who object to her ‘Indianness or otherwise’? Who gave them extra-constitutional right to poke their nose on such sensitive issues that cut the very core of not only Indian constitution but also India’s very ancient Scriptural base? These are the people who have no idea, whatsoever, on the core theological concepts on humanity. After all, to which theory – Creation or Evolution they believe in. Even if they believe on the Evolution theory of Darwin, till date there is no proof where from the original Homosapien emerge. Some says it was somewhere in Africa, some believe somewhere in the Middle East but in any case there is no tangible proof it was in India or anywhere near by the region. India, in any case, is a mixed culture of Aryans who migrated from Persian peninsula, the Dravidians, the original settlers in India before invasion by Aryans and then the Mongoles that are identifiable in our entire North Eastern region grouped as the seven sisters. It is very difficult, therefore, to identify and establish the very origin of any caste, race or group of people who can claim that the country – India as a whole, belongs to them. As for me, I am holder of actually six feets of land, anywhere, in any corner of the world, where I may find my ultimate resting place. I am wondering of all those 298 travelers in the Malaysian plane MH 17 that was shot down by the Russian rebels in the Ukrainian border where the plane’s damaged parts are spread over 15 KMs area. Some of the unidentifiable, charred mortal remains of men, women and children have been picked up and sent to some unknown places. All of them, in a way, found their final rest place where they all were shot and charred to death by the mindless firing of a missile by some divisive, fundamentalist or terrorist group. If such divisive, fundamentalist mindsets in this country or anywhere else are allowed to have their way, they are challenging the very concept/purpose of Godly creation and its recreation. Nobody should least challenge or attempt to claim His sovereign power/authority.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:37:44 +0000

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