Who am I to say what is to be or not? After all, in the all-seeing - TopicsExpress


Who am I to say what is to be or not? After all, in the all-seeing eye of the tyrannical cabal who own the majority of society, I am just a human being, regarded as cattle. I am just a human being with very strong urges. My heart tells me this isnt the way we are meant to live & something inside wants to correct it. Who am I to question the establishment? I simply cannot find any logic in the current system we are forced to live in. A forced premeditated life, where we are nothing more than debt slaves. It started long, long ago, through blind faith, generation after generation has been unknowingly perpetuating our captivity. You are born into your societies habits & methodology for living a sustainable life & being a contributing member of that society. Sure its your life, you can choose to live it, within the predetermined criteria set in place by the cabal of course, beneath the underlining truth, youre still just trying different variations of the same systematic progression. Growing up in school you are taught what to think, instead of how to think, higher education means higher debt, falling in line means acquiring a multitude of bills that you relentlessly pay. In most cases, being poor forces you to keep your mouth shut & your head down yet, being poor still allows a religiously watched television in nearly every single home. This television instructs you on how to act & how to live, on what to buy & where to buy it, consume, consume, consume, work, work, work, be completely content with a forced dependency on oil, gas & a fiat currency, start a family, pay your taxes, watch politicians play with your lives, grow old & die. I strongly feel its not supposed to be this way but like I said, Im just a human being, what do I know? I know currently humanity is at war with itself because the puppet politicians you elect want death for corporate & central banking profit. I know the majority of you still believe your interests are being discussed behind their closed doors. I know if we continue on the consumer path we are obviously being lead down, a populous addicted to electronics, gossip & anything else trivial to essential harmonious existence, will be the least of our future generations worries. Im sure by now you might have decided on a few ways on how to start to create change in your life. If you havent, Ill help with the simpler solution, kill your television & slowly youll develop a Love for your fellow citizen, despite his or her creed or religious preference. We can live together in peace but first we must acknowledge that we are all in this together & start by helping each other see the facade the cabal labels life. There is so much more to us than they want us to know, that is why they have to consistently manipulate our thoughts. They have forced their agendas on us for thousands of years & have used vast resources in doing so, because they know there is something more to us, more than just life & death. Whether we want to believe its individually or know that were all in this as a collective whole consciousness, there is another plan for us in the Universe & the cabal knows it.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 06:11:06 +0000

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