Who are the haters and anti everything Caucasians? They’re - TopicsExpress


Who are the haters and anti everything Caucasians? They’re certainly all Christian, but not just any Christianity they are evangelical Protestant, Pentecostal, and members of radical groups that preach racial purity, as the Word of Jesus. Odd I have read the Bible cover to cover and never once saw racial purity of whites as a goal. In fact Northern Europeans were the slaves of that time. Catholics are staunch conservatives but rarely racial based hate and many of these hate groups also hate Catholics. A few of these miscreants belong to churches like the Christian Identity Church, which gained a stronghold on the Extreme Right in the early 80s. Christian racist focus on racism and anti-Semitic moods provides the theological basis to the shift from a “traditional agrarian protest” to para militarism and drastic actions aimed at bring them to power. It is from the Christian Identity groups that the extreme Right gets its theological ideas that Adam is the ancestor of the Caucasians, therefore non-whites are pre-Adam and Eve or so called mud people without souls. Jews are the children of Satan, in their limited minds, and are as disdained as black folks. According to this sick ass doctrine, Jesus was not Jewish and not even from the Middle East; actually, they say he was born in northern Europe, and his Second Coming is very close and followers can hasten the apocalypse, by certain actions. Pat Robertson believes in this and passes it on to mainstream thinking. Of course reading the Bible no one once mentions North Europe most were not even aware it was there. In this twisted thinking it is the duty of Aglo-Saxons to establish God’s kingdom on Earth and Britains heritage birthright is to be the wealthiest, most powerful nations on earth. They believe they are able, by divine right, to dominate and colonize the world. And any and all non whites will have to stand back and let them rule.. Hate groups that spouse such nonsense are spreading like aggressive cancer.. They have tripled in number since the election of President Obama, according to the watch group, the Southern poverty Law Center. This is why we struggle daily to make folks understand that All men are created equal Thats a fact that they ignore and we need to bore home or watch the hate grow in our midst.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 14:41:34 +0000

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