Who are the lies directed at, surly not the educated Muslim Arabs, - TopicsExpress


Who are the lies directed at, surly not the educated Muslim Arabs, no they are directed at the masses of the brainwashed Arab population. From the first day at the Muslim Madrassas, yes from the beginning of their education they are taught that the Jew is the enemy. Even in the Israeli Arab villages they are not taught about the Shoah, nor are they taught that in 1948 when the UN granted Statehood to the Jewish State of Israel, simultaneously, hundreds of thousands of Jews were uprooted and forced out of their ancestral homes in: Syria, Jordan, Iraq or Iran; forced out with nothing but clothes on their backs, no compensation for their lands or property. Who would dare tell these brain dead people of the ordeal that the Jews, who for centuries were citizens of those Countries were forced to endure. No the "Peace Negotiator’s" for the PLO insist on a “right of return,” for the people who were told by The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, to abandon their homes temporality while the Arab Armies cleansed (cleansed is a euphemism for killed) Palestine of the Jews. Now the "Peace Negotiator’s" want the land back and to be compensated for property. We Jews have a word that sums up the “Right of Return,” “chutzpah.” Rightly, the “West Bank,” which for centuries was known as the Judea and Samaria Area of Palestine is and should remain part of greater Israel. No, they are also directed at the closed-minded anti-Semites both here in the US and in Europe. To these groups the only truth is the one that demonizes the Jewish State and the Jewish People around the World. Do they acknowledge the benefits of the very instruments that they use to spread their hate, the contributions made by the Jewish scientist that gives them the “Smart Phones?” Does anyone with half a brain ask, why would Companies such as IBM, Cisco, or Microsoft chose to build and expand in a Country in the middle of a War Zone? On the other hand, why would the World’s largest medical and pharmaceutical companies open plants in a war zone? Finally, why do these anti-Semites ignore the medical science that keeps them from dying of Small Pox, or the hundreds of other childhood diseases that but for the Jews they might not be alive or walking, allowing them to spread their hatred. Of course not, it is so much easier to teach hate then to explain how their farmers can produce more on less land and how the Jews have taught them how to increase their arable land. In spite of War after War Israel has indeed become the land of milk and honey where only the skyline was dominated by rocks and sand now there are fields of fruit, and trees, as in G-d plan, the ecology produces water in which to convert sand into soil. Why, would the corrupt Arab leaders tell the truth when only lies serve there purpose; Enforces, Islamic law, demeans women and denies freedom to choose, though as demonstrated by the Egyptians, perhaps democracy is a bit premature.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:13:24 +0000

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