Who are the real saboteurs of Black Liberation other than - TopicsExpress


Who are the real saboteurs of Black Liberation other than ourselves? Did you know J. Gay Hoover formed the FBI with one of its primary purposes of stopping The Right Excellent Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). The FBI sent black saboteurs/rats into the UNIA to infiltrate it and sent the The Hon. Marcus Garvey to jail. Similar to Yahshua (Jesus) aka the Black Revolutionary Messiah as the story was told, when the Roman government arrested him and brought him in for questioning. In the future anytime a black saboteur/rat sell out our People, we need to chase them back into their holes and when the rats and their families come out to rummage for food, we need to point them out everywhere they go. Did you know that the ABCs murdered or set into motion the murders of our Real Black Leaders, such as: Malcolm X; Dr. Martin Luther King; Huey Newton; & Chairman Fred Hampton, Sr. and many more? They were responsible for the incarceration of Angela Davis, Marshal Eddie Conway & Mumia Abu Jamal and countless more. Did you know that of our Real Black Leaders that have survived to this day, that the ABCs have made their lives a living hell? The ABCs attempt to come into the front doors of our Real Black Leaders and when they cant, they then come to the back door with misinformation & disinformation to discredit the life work of our real leaders in the liberation and salvation of our people. Some of our People stand by and believe the ABCs propaganda used against our real leaders. As a People, not all of Us, but most do not protect, support and stand by our real black leaders when these vicious and immoral attacks are unleased against them by the ABCs. We will run to asian stores and get nails done, the liquor store to drown our sorrows and go out and buy a Slave Z or Beyonce CD, none of whom put money back into the Black Community. We will not give monetary support to our real leaders for legal defense, sweeping of their electronic devices for bugs and for security. As was the case as the story was told when Pontius Pilot, an official of Rome brought Yahshua (Black Jesus) out in front of his own people, they stoned him and yelled crucify him, crucify him. In recent times the modern day Pontius Pilot (J. Gay Edgar Hoover and his ABC organization) constantly march our Real Black Leaders in front of our People today & yesterday, and ask what do you want me to do with them. Most of our People not all of our People will bow their heads and mumble whatever you want to do boss. Do you ever wonder; why Real Black People with few exceptions are not so quick to stand before you to liberate your slave minds and fight for your human rights? There are a lot of so-called leaders leading from the sidelines, but when the ish hits the fan, they are no where to be found. Do you understand; why we are still the most, disrespected People on the face of the planet earth, with there being a few exceptions? My people shall perish for the lack of Knowledge and Vision. The ABCs can only operate on the 3rd dimension. I clearly know that We The People with melanin have the ability to operate beyond the 3rd dimension as our Ancestors did in building empires of the past. Once they lost sight of the higher dimensions and the need to demand or exact Reciprocity, equal measure given, equal returned, which is the way, the Only Way, then the real barbarians came along and killed & raped them; and pillaged and destroyed their empires. Once we as a People realize the need to remove our hindrances & conditioning that we fight over, such religion, political affiliations, classism and all other isms, we will ascend to higher dimensions while being grounded here on earth, which is the ultimate vision. Our only religious & political affiliations or other affiliations should only be for the liberation & salvation of our People (removal of our slave minds). I AM no longer ducking, dodging or hiding from nothing, I have the indomitable spirits of my Ancestors with me. The ABCs boys & girls sole purpose is to defend, support and promote white supremacy at all costs. Have you wondered; why they have not used your tax dollars to prosecute racist ass george zimmerman, and racist pigs (cops) for murdering our unarmed youth? What about the Human Trafficking of our People, organ harvesting, forced prostitution & slavery around the world? I know most of our People do not care as long as they can receive the scraps of the privileges of the Amerikkkan dream. They are in for a nightmare, modern day Rome (United Snakes of Amerikkka) is falling fast, if you understand the historical & spiritual signs. The racist white man understands the signs, that is why he is doing what he is doing. I believe in the Universal Law of Karma, what goes around comes around (you reap what you sow). Stand up and be Real Black Men & Women and overthrow your Slave Minds for the Liberation & Salvation of our People. There can be no weapon formed against Us that willl prosper including the ABC boys & girls, for we are more than conquerors. I know a lot of you will disassociate yourselves from this post, that is quite all right with me. My intentions this time was not so much to speak truth to power, but instead to speak power to my People. Ase (Spiritual Power)!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:35:01 +0000

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