Who are we ? Where do we live ? Do we believe ourselves - TopicsExpress


Who are we ? Where do we live ? Do we believe ourselves as brothers n sisters ? Not Pakistani Not iraqi not indian not afgani not arabian, We are muslims we are one ummah. Dominating 49 Countries and being Majority in 57 more thus making us 23% of world population. From hottest desert of EGYPT to the rain forests of TURKEY From plains of MOROCCO to the mountains of CHECHNYA From Crops SUDAN to the oil of ARABIA From POOREST nations to the WEALTHIEST nations of the world WE ARE MUSLIMS West fears us.. AMERICA FEARS us ISRAEL FEARS us... We hav fought many wars for our people OUR LAND OUR CHILDRENS... Yes we fought for our rights.. our brothers and our ISLAM... JIHAD.. But now.. JIHAD is TERRORISM? IS DEFENDING OUR BROTHERS TERRORISM ? Todays status.... We MUSLIMS are called TERRORIST... OUR LAND is invaded by WHITES our Womens are RAPED & childrens are KILLED... we are TORTURED everywhere... Really ? After all this.. are we CRIMINALS ? They call us TERRORISTS? No never not at all... WE ARE VICTIMS ! Question is WHY DO WE FALL ? Why are we FAILING ? Only reason We keep FIGHTING... WITHIN OURSELVES... Brothers we do not have to BLAME anyone other then OURSELVES we are responsible for our MISERY... We blame each other.. shia sunni iraqi -afgani indian-pakistani ? Killing our own people in our own county ? DIVIDED into societies then neighborhood then state then country ? Yess... THEY KEEP DIVIDING US... and CONTINUE TO RULE US... They SPILL our BLOOD for MONEY they are REAL TERRORIST... I ask you Where is our BROTHERHOOD ? Where is our UNITY ? Where is the time we SHED OUR LIFE FOR OUR BROTHERS ? Where is the GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAM ? Where is one UMMAH ? We are FALLING APART... because we HAVE FORGOTTN what aur PROPHET MUHAMMAD ﷺ told about BROTHERHOOD we have FORGOTTEN WHAT HE TAUGHT ABOUT UNITY IN ISLAM... BROTHERS now Its TIME WE START a new wave... PROMISE TO YOURSELF ONE MUSLIM TORTURED IS EVERY MUSLIM TORTURED ATTACK on a MUSLIM is ATTACK on ISLAM.. The time has come we SHOW THEM OUR UNITY either today or never.. We MUST UNITE UNDER ONE FLAG.. ONE UMMAH OF MUHAMMAD ﷺ . Its time WE TEACH THEM A NEW LESSON... its time we REWRITE THE ENTIRE HISTORY its time we show them OUR POWER TOGATHER WE ARE INVINCIBLE... My Brothers FORGET ABOUT COUNTRY FORGET ABOUT BORDERS FORGET OUR INTERNAL DISPUTES leave them away.... JUST REMEMBER ISLAM just unite now... Brothers now you EMBARK on a JOURNEY I need you to IGNITE THE FLAME OF JIHAD in you... Let the SPARK OF MUSLIMS BROTHERHOOD SPREAD across the earth... TAKE THE OATH and Teach them the lesson who we are... LET THE FEAR OF OUR POWER REMAIN FOREVER IN THEIR FILTHY HEARTS ! MARK YOUR WORDS we will NOT LET A MUSLIM TORTURED AGAIN If They try to hurt our brothers we give them the same... SHOW THEM OUR MUSLIM BLOOD IS NOT CHEAP... Its precious then theirs... I NEED YOU to raise your voice we need you to start a new revolution... Now SWEAR to ALLAH now we will WRITE THE NEW HISTORY we will CHANGE THIS WORLD... we will JIHAD we wil FIGHT for our BROTHERS we DEFEND our WOMEN our CHILDREN we take back WHAT IS OURS... HATERS GONNA HATE US...
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:22:45 +0000

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