Who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, - TopicsExpress


Who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But you have not so learned Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus: Ephesians 4:19-21 Paul says, this isn’t what you have learned. The world is into greed, lasciviousness, all kinds of uncleanness and empty headedness. But you, he says to us, you haven’t learned Christ that way. Notice what he is saying, or actually not saying. He doesn’t say, you haven’t learned about Christ, but rather, you haven’t learned Christ in that way, no. Rather, you have heard Him and been taught by Him. So what are you saying Joe? Just this, I can learn all about Abraham Lincoln, I can read books about him, go to Disneyland, or at least you used to be able to go and see the Meet Mr. Lincoln exhibit. You know, the curtain would rise and the animatronics likeness of Lincoln would give the Gettysburg address as the American flag waved behind him, it was very touching. But I was only learning about Abraham Lincoln. And I could go to the presentation fifteen times in row, one of the few short lines at D-land. But as the sixteenth show begins I might have the tendency to say enough, I’ve heard this fifteen times already today. Now, this is interesting to me. Some people learn of Jesus, they read Mathew, Mark, Luke and John and think, I already know this. I’ve already heard the story of the water to wine, I know what He did on the Sea of Galilee and to the woman at the well, so enough! But the reason we would say that is because we would simply be learning about Him. That’s not what Paul is saying. Paul is saying, learn Him! So what’s the difference? Well, it’s not the same as studying a person’s life in history, rather it’s learning Him. It’s an expression of intimacy and communion, it means as I read the Bible I talk to the Lord. You see, I can’t talk to Mr. Lincoln or say George Washington! They’re dead! I can learn about them, and I can watch Mr. Lincoln’s robot give a reciting of the Gettysburg address, but that’s just learning about him and that becomes boring to me. But Paul is saying, learn Him, even as Adam knew his wife Eve, that wasn’t intellectual knowledge guys. When it say that he knew her, it meant that he was experiencing a oneness with her, and that’s the idea here. Paul says, learn Christ, intimately. Talk to Him as you’re reading through John 2, or John 13, or the Sermon on the Mount. Don’t just learn of Him intellectually but learn Him. He is living and He’s there for you to talk too while you’re reading… Read a verse or two and then talk to Him. Lord, that convicts me, confuses me, or reminds me, whatever. The point is, you’re communing with the Lord. If youre just learning about Him, you will become bored with your reading or studying of the Bible. Oh, I already know that, already read that, been there, done that, know that. But if you’re learning Him, it’s awesome, as you just walk around with an open Bible, talking to the Lord, fantastic! Because you’re not just trudging through it. It’s Lord, I’m going to learn you, not just about you. I’m going to talk to you, share my concerns with you, dialog with you concerning this portion of scripture. And guys, really that’s the key. We are not here to study academically about Jesus. Rather, we are here to have fellowship intimately with Jesus. So whether you go for a walk with your Bible, or lock yourself in your bathroom, go where you can talk out loud, or drive in your car somewhere, go and read and talk to Him. Learn of Him, not just about Him academically. It will make all the difference in the world. Paul says, at one time you were empty, but now you have learned Christ. And what have you learned concerning this whole thing of walking with Him, now that you’re learning Christ? Come and join us Sunday and find out… Cre8ted2serve Pastor Joe
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 00:22:31 +0000

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