Who decides when? Why is it not now? If We all know the TRUTH - TopicsExpress


Who decides when? Why is it not now? If We all know the TRUTH then where are all the soldiers? COWARDS? How could Good Christians allow the Wars? On whos say so? Holy Ground? The squabilling over the different authored Books? the ONE UP MAN SHIP regarding the Elite PriestHoods and the Juvinile and petty competitions or DICK PISSING contests by the Churches. The Priests who will NEVER let a Woman Speak in a church, and for good reason! They are just as Permiscuious as Men are if not more so and more in a position to be serviced by any other Person the minute they have an itch and or scratch so raise their hand like a student in a class begging to answer a question, questions answered emmediatly! emmediate assistance to help them get off and solve the problem or whatever high horse they thought they were ridding. Its different for a Man unless He literally lives like a Demi-God. Can You imagine trying to get a Date, a real Date in This day in age with NO CAR ? good luck unless she is a tail pipe sucking exhaust fumigator or coke head. When does a Community Servicor or Cival Servant or Emergency Response Person or a inhouse Bouncer or a Gaurd or a licenced Security Guard or Security Officer or Staff Associates etc, make the call or the command decision to either interviene, stand -by, or stand down, or call for back up, continue recognisance or survailance or play along or excecute ploy etc. When, where, how, why, who makes the call, on what grounds, on what justification, for what reasons and for what causes. How I am I a ***** supposed to know when to get involved and help or to stay out of the way or to take pictures or to make audio recording records or to simply log an observation in my note pad OR FACE BOOK etc. whats the procedure? Avoiding escellating situations or getting involved to attempt to simplify and correct or solve the problem. MEDIATION, or netueral Mediators. IMPARTIALNESS, or Impartial Mediators. Like a Judge. not taking sides but listening, asking questions, The TRUTH. Justice. Ritiousness. Fairness. Equality and rights. privilages and impuniteis make these matters very difficult to delegate. some parties have priviliges and impunities that other parties do not have ( Native Indiginous Statuses as an example). How is a situation to be rectified if one person has more rights and priviliges and impunities and IMUNITIES than the other involved party(s). Like for example a Criminals WORD against a Cops Word. We all know how this plays out in Court. IMMUNITY or The DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE, The Evil Empire. Str8t. without passion or prejuduce. without adding or taking away from the word. Psycological Compulsion or the suspension of Charter Garunteed FREEDOMS like a Cop trying to tell an ignorant person that the only 2 options they have are A and B when really alot more options exist as is charter garunteed. If a cop only provides a person with option A or B, what about option C D E F and G. that is mental coerssion or compelling or TRICKORY and or HUXTURISM etc. example. Your girlfriend gives you 2 options : do what she says or get out. what about your 3rd and 4rth option : other girlz and or The Paper Cha$e. example : a citizen asks a Bus Driver for a free ride and explains why or explains EXTENUATING circumstances. the bus driver has the POWER OF DESCRETION : the option to let you on or not. however the bus driver for whatever reason chooses to allow you to believe He does not have the power to let you on for FREE and drives off and leaves you out in the cold snow hungry and tired and now stranded in the middle of no where because that was actually the last bus on that particular route for that night - wtf. The bus driver is the administrator and is therefore psycologically compelling or coercing you to only select from the one option of paying the toll fare or NO FREE RIDE. this is not so. if the bus driver so feels JUSTIFIED that bus driver can provide more options like a TRANSFER or a ride with no transfer or a free ride with transfer all depending on the EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES put forth to the driver and is so lawfully at his DISCRETION OF AUTHORITY as the administrator of the Public Transport. Psycological compulsion and or coersion is ILLEGALL. PERIOD wiether it be by a COP a TEACHER or a BUS DRIVER. We free citizens have alot of rights and alot of options THEY are not Advising Us about, and rightly so. can you imagine the STRESS on the SYSYTEM if EVERYONE NEW their rights and started making DEMANDS. CHAOS. ARNarCHY, UNREST, CIVIL WAR etc. God have mercy on Us. As it turns out when A hOMELESS BUM IS OFFERED SALVATION THEY USUALLY REFUSE - WTF ??????? Police Search Siezure and Arrest Proceedures are sopposed to be in place to protect all persons from wrongfull arresst ( ALL ), Mastaken identity or persons being falsey accused as a result of reckless scandalus and defamating allegations or accusations that of a RASCIST PERSON or a DISGRUNTALLED X GIRLFIEND etc that VICTOMIZES the Person(s) being falsy accussed to say the least. can You imagine being in jail labelled a cops kid and a rapist ? God was with me I tell You. every one on every range new my dad was a cop and knew I was on a rape charge. God was with me I tell you. I almost died several times. god be praised. Police search seizure and arrest proceedures are sopposed to be in place to protect innocent victoms from false accusations allegations slander etc or the CRYING WOLF EFFECT/CLAUSE. can You imagine all a woman need do is CRY WOLF and an innoccent man can be sent to a jail with no bail or pretrial or BARING FALSE WHITNESS as the Bible describes or words it - example : police come accross a person trying to break into a window or door way. Police must explore the possibilties of GOOD intentions before proceeding to engage a criminal investigation or ask questions. is it possible the person breaking in is actually the tenant who lost the key and is intoxicated etc or is it possible the assumed PERP is actually an under cover Detective or a BoyFriend spying on a disobiedient girlfriend with NO CRIMINAL INTENT/AGENDA Citizens power of arrests or a Citizens arrest - Bat Man Spider Scence Heros Inate instinctve nature jump/leap in head first or look before you leap or be sure to stick your landing less you crash/get hurt/ or back fire sometimes a hero is rejected because there are sometimes no victoms sometimes the involved parties are both in the wrong and to blame. dead spirits aTTENTION SEAKERS no purpose no function no parameters as my ******* would quote from the sapranoes Vehicle Traffic stops - rules of engagement church service class in session - no purpose or function no destination no substance lacking tangibleness etc wish wash and poppy cock the Klingons say they are going to kill me tomorrrow but they say that every day its a game they like to play the Klingons say they are going to kill me tomorrrow but they say that every day its a game they like to play the Klingons say they are going to kill me tomorrrow but they say that every day its a game they like to play the Klingons say they are going to kill me tomorrrow but they say that every day its a game they like to play captain sisqo holds a man against a wall and makes it clear he is changing the paramaters of the deal physicall force resulting in contact was required to excecute ploy, no injury or excessive force exerted just a ploy - it reminded me of the dark vadar scene as well when darth vadar re changes the deal. to look your superiour officer in the eye and convince Him a lie is the truth. for the greater good or not can this be done? captain sisqo before mentioned scene attempts to justify his genuine intentions throughout the course of his unauthorized conduct. he explains preserving life more or less he describes whitnessing attrociaties and others and all idely standing by spectating - that reminded me of the Sienfeld episode when they all got arressted for video recording a crime in progress and not interveining to assist the victom. Sisqo also mentioned having to act now less he miss his window of opertunity to correct a mistake or something to that effect. being compelled to act to PRESERVE EVIDENCE. you have strong good points captain but it is still all SPECULATION AND THEORY (at this point). Sisqo goes to digress and raps it up confessing to collaborating with criminals to excecute and accomplish his PLOY to PRESERVE LIFE AND PRESERVE EVIDENCE he admitts or confesses to more. Captain Benjamin Sisqo instructs computer to DELETE ENTIRE LOG ENTRY - THE END
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 02:29:34 +0000

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