Who do you give your power away to? Where are you stuck in - TopicsExpress


Who do you give your power away to? Where are you stuck in dependency? Be it financially, emotionally, physically - handing your authority to something outside of yourself & giving it the ability through your perception to make you feel good or bad / big or small. We are each the creators & creatresses of our own lives. We are responsible for the stories we perpetuate & life experiences we are creating. For example, if we subscribe to drama as a way of getting love & attention we will unconsciously create more struggle & hardship. Whereas if we make a conscious decision to not settle for anything less than a divine experience that is what we will manifest accordingly. Scorpio transits ask us to take our power back. This is usually done by taking right action such as speaking our truth or addressing an issue proactively thats been causing us to feel minimized. Remember, no one can take your power unless you give it to them. Consider taking a moment to consider who youve put on a pedestal & then resented for not being perfect. Your parents, partner, teachers, friends etc etc it is always the easier option to play small & criticize others for not fulfilling your projection that they should be perfect. It is much harder to instead focus on your own shortcomings & take full responsibility for living a truly authentic & empowered life, regardless of the choices of others. Blessings on your day - may you stand in your full authentic self. For everything is easier when we walk in alignment with our truth. Tanishka
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:41:36 +0000

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