Who doesnt like a good ride on a Friday? This one turned out to be - TopicsExpress


Who doesnt like a good ride on a Friday? This one turned out to be a pretty rough one. Started with fairly gently then turned into motorcycle S&M ..The ride to the Todra Gorge from Tinghirwas quite picturesque and normal. But having been told that I had missed the best Gorge the Dades Gorge I decided that I should take a short cut to the other side of the mountains to check out the Dades Gorge. This 120km trip turned out to be the most difficult terrain Ive ever encountered. For real. 40km was straight forward dirt road. The next 20 was very difficult rocky surface which included a club to 2800m . The next part was an absolute killer. 20 km of no road surface at all. A dried up river bed of large rocks and gravel. That whole 80km I encountered no vehicles at all. At times I was down to 2-5km per hour bumping slowly over rocks. I dumped the bike twice due to lose gravel and bounding off rocks. I had to push the bike through two sections due to it being too broken to ride. What track there had been in places had been completely washed away for some time. As well as being difficult it was also amazing to be so remote picking my way through a massive canyon. When I eventually made it out the other side after an exhausting 5 hours I meet workers on the road and one guys jaw dropped as he saw me appear and ran over to me in disbelieve asking whether I have come through on this bike? He couldnt belive it. He shook my hand heartlity and scratched his head. I couldnt funking believe it myself. The thing is I should never ask someones advice. I had met a couple of 4x4 guys at Todra Gorge and they said that I couldnt make it on this bike that the path was too broken up. That was just like challenging me. You shouldnt say stuff like that to me. Well how bad can it be, I thought? This bike can go anywhere. Seems it was pretty fricking bad after all and totally unsuitable for my bike. Anyways the treat at the end was a glimpse at the Dades Gorge. Honestly its like an orgasm for the eyes driving in parts of Morroco and this is one of those parts. I dont think I have experienced pleasure through the eyes before. Honestly I dont think I have. Ive looked at my fair share of wonderous things on the trip. But recently on this trip through Morroco looking at vast vast rolling plains of deserts and mountains has actually stirred some other emotion in me that I sensed pleasure through vision. Sure I have looked at things before and been awestruck but I havent actually felt the satisfaction of pleasure from looking at something. To have your complete field of vision taken up with the vastness of mountains and at the same time the vast ness of space and colour in 360° is quite something. I think I have said to people that I had in some way become a little numb to having seen such amazing things over the last couple of years and felt a little sorrowful because of that. But recently my senses have been set alight by then wonders in Morocco.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 12:38:40 +0000

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