Who has WEIGHT LOSS at the top of their New Years Resolution - TopicsExpress


Who has WEIGHT LOSS at the top of their New Years Resolution list?? As promised: The Dirty Little Secret of the $583.6 BILLION DOLLAR Global weight loss industry that they hope you never figure out.....Ready? They dont work. And they know it. How many times will we get on a program or diet, maybe see some numbers go down on the scale......but then....what usually happens after the program is over? Time and time again, the weight comes right back PLUS MORE. True or true? The following is long, but bear with me. Its going to explain WHY things havent worked for you in the past. So the weight comes back again....But lesson is not learned. Some NEW fluffy, flashy marketing campaign is revealed saying THIS product from some tree bark in Australia guarded by pigmies is THE ONE and were hooked again. THIS is going to be it!!! you say. . Heres the other secret. Weight loss programs put the cart before the horse. Again, the industry knows this. If your body has dis-ease, imbalance, pain, inflammation, depression, etc it will want to hang onto to weight as protection. You may see some weight drop (not the right kind, though sadly), but because....now here it is.....BECAUSE YOU ARENT NOURISHING THE BODY CORRECTLY AND GETTING TO THE ROOT OF YOUR ISSUES FIRST, no amount of dieting or programs you employ will stick. Why do you think the industry is at $583.6 BILLION?? Has there REALLY ever been a TRUE miracle? Lets be honest. 97% of the pills & potions on the market are low grade and packed with synthetic fillers the body cant recognize. Additionally, 99% of Americans have bad digestive systems and their flora (good bacteria which helps absorb nutrients and boost immune system) is waaay out of wack. (note: how to tell if you have poor flora? If youve ever once taken antibiotics and never truly replaced them with proper pro/prebiotics.) THRIVE by LeVel is not a weight loss product, but its the best product on the market for weight loss. Why? It digs deep and gets to the ROOT OF YOUR ISSUES FIRST by filling the gaps missing which are keeping your body from performing as designed. The imbalance, inflammation, pain etc is targeted so that the body begins shedding the pounds it wanted to hang onto in the past. It also is helping crush cravings by filling the deficiencies that are causing them. It helps you reach for the good things thus helping you change your lifestyle. It helps you FEEL amazing so you want to MOVE. (Those who want to argue that good diet and exercise is enough...sorry. Totally false. Maybe back in 1930 when soils werent depleted of minerals and things werent genetically modified or filled with preservatives.) THRIVE is the highest grade of nutrition available. There truly has never been a product of this magnitude. Have you failed weight loss programs? How many times has weight loss been at the top of your Resolution list? Have you experienced Thrive yet? Im guessing no....I think its time. Prove me wrong What do you have to lose? I dare ya....... (Message to find out how you can get your 30 day trial... & even how you can get THRIVE for FREE)!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:52:19 +0000

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