Who hath believed our message? and to whom is the arm of the Lord - TopicsExpress


Who hath believed our message? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? (Is. 53:1) There’s a song we used to sing in church: “Whose report shall you believe?” The next line says, “We shall believe the report of the Lord!” The chorus then confirms, “His report says I am healed! His report says I am filled! His report says I am free! His report says victory!” (Song by Becky Fender.) We as Christians need to realize that we can take God at His Word and run with it my brothers and sisters! The Word of God is filled with promises and we can believe Him for whatever need we have. With everything I have been through personally, I can’t emphasize it enough. Some years ago, I went through extreme insomnia. As I reflect back, I believe what caused my insomnia was that I had been pushing myself very hard and my body chemistry responded by getting out of balance. In all, I went without sleep for around 12 days and nights and continued to have trouble for probably over six months. When I went back to work after several weeks, it was all I could do to do my job because of my lack of rest. I literally had to ask the Lord to help me just to get through from hour to hour. I’m thankful that God was my Restorer and the lifter of my head. (Ps. 23:3; Ps. 3:3) I decided early on to take God at His Word and believe “His report” instead of what my circumstances seemed to be. As I sat at my desk, I looked to Scripture as I had time, to assure myself that God was indeed with me. One of my favorites was Psalm 46:1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Many other Scriptures seemed to leap off the pages of my Bible to get my attention. I was thankful that I had the Word of God for assurance and comfort. As I prayed throughout the day, I felt comforted as I believed “God’s report.” A Scripture kept coming to mind from Luke 1:37: “For nothing is impossible with God,” and I assured myself saying that Scripture affirming that God is the God of the impossible. When we think situations are totally impossible, God has other plans. He will turn any situation around when it may seem out of reach for us. Another Scripture that became very dear to me was from the 23rd Psalm, verse 4: “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.” I began to think about how the Good Shepherd was keeping close watch over me, and how He must be holding His staff at my waist, pulling me close to His side, not allowing my feet to slip, just as a little lamb. I continued to believe “His report.” Something wonderful came out of the situation, even though I didn’t see it at the time. God sent a vibrant woman of faith to me who showed great mercy. One of her acts of kindness was when she brought me her booklet categorized according to subjects such as for healing, fear, insomnia, comfort, faith, prayer, and many others. It was at that time that I began taking Scriptures I found in the booklet and incorporating them into prayers. God began to answer my prayers because He honors His Word. I took God at His Word and believed “His report” once again. The Scriptures on “insomnia” were ones that I recited out loud before I went to bed. One Scripture was from Psalm 127:2 which says “. . . for He giveth His beloved sleep.” I recited what I called my “sleep Scriptures” and believed God just for my daily need for rest. The Lord was faithful and the first night after I quoted those Scriptures, I slept like a baby. There is a story that I heard some time ago about a woman who was diagnosed with terminal cancer and had been given a certain amount of time to live. When she heard the news from her doctor, she decided not to accept the devastating news, but instead decided to believe the good “report” of the Lord. The woman went home and found Scriptures concerning “healing” and wrote them down. Then, throughout her day, she went about doing her chores, quoting those Scriptures out loud, which also helped to encourage her. She believed God that she was going to be healed, even though the doctor’s report was a negative one. The woman decided that God’s “report” was a better one to believe and she is still alive and well to this day. God’s “report” was and still is most definitely the best report to believe! Prayer: Father, I love Your Word! Your Words are beautiful, true and bring life. Lord, help us to always believe Your Word over any negative report we might receive. Help us to never fail to go to Your Word when times are difficult because that is where our strength will be. Help us to believe You in every situation and to realize that Your Word has power. Your desire is for us to believe Your report. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 09:43:38 +0000

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