Who in here has applied for/gotten approved for disability because - TopicsExpress


Who in here has applied for/gotten approved for disability because of CFS and/or something else? I applied a few months ago and even as putting reasons as chronic fatigue, autism, OCD, agoraphobia, High anxiety, chronic pain, etc, they are trying to deny me based on doctor/specialist records on me and they are trying to say that I might be limited in what I can do for work, but that I can work nonetheless. Interesting they didnt address my pain or fatigue in the denial letter, even though for 10 plus years those 2 things have been my primary complaint at every doctor office ive went to! Im pretty sure I told them that how I have so much fatigue that I have fought to stay awake for over 10 years while driving and that Im a danger to myself and others when on the road or working with equipment, etc... and now since Medicaid has taken away my Nuvigil, I am REALLY bad off. Good thing I have a disability attorney, I am awaiting her call back about an appeal.... That was soo not the type of news/letter I needed to read today.... I dont think my anxiety can get any higher as is....
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:27:55 +0000

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