Who is My Guru? ॐ ♥ राम राम ♥ ॐ Even - TopicsExpress


Who is My Guru? ॐ ♥ राम राम ♥ ॐ Even though Neem Karoli Baba had finally seemed to show some interest in me, I began to feel that he was not my Guru. Although everyone showed slavish devotion to him and I continued to hear of apparent miracles he performed, I did not feel any benefit from sitting there hour after hour. While Ram Dass and the others sat adoringly at his feet singing songs of devotion, I was becoming more and more frustrated. Finally one day I saw Maharajji sitting alone on his cot. This was the first time I had seen him completely alone without another soul around. I knew, Its now or never, and gathering my courage I dashed up to him. Knowing that I had to be brief I dispensed with formalities and blurted out the question that had been on my mind. Ever since I first heard about him in the Ram Dass radio interview in New York I had wondered if he also might be my Guru. Realizing now that was probably not the case, I shouted, Who is my Guru? Cocking his head to one side, he squinted at me through half shut eyes, then shouted without a moments hesitation, Jesus Christ! What? I stammered, thinking he was swearing at me. Jesus Christ, he said again, his eyes now opening wide. Jesus Christ? I repeated, in shock. I had not come all the way to India to hear the same proselytizing that I received from Jehovahs Witnesses at my front door on Sunday. I wanted the name of an earthly Guru at whose fit I could sit and receive instruction. Suddenly Maharajji began shaking his fist and shouting at me in a fit of anger: Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ! Hearing Maharajji shouting, two Indian men came running and I retreated. Although I had just finished reading about Jesus in The Aquarian Gospel and while reading about his adventures in India had felt an overwhelming love for him, how could Jesus be my Guru? How could I receive instruction from someone so busy and far away? He probably didnt even know of my existence. I left the Hanuman temple by myself and caught a bus back to Nainital. - from Peter Mt. Shasta, “Search for the Guru: Prequel to Adventures of a Western Mystic,” from Chapter 34 – ‘Who is My Guru?’
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:21:30 +0000

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