Who is Ra? - Part 9: The Creation of Our Galaxy Written by Wes - TopicsExpress


Who is Ra? - Part 9: The Creation of Our Galaxy Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness Previously, we learned how our creator brought every galaxy and universe into existence, and we learned that the design for this infinite creation is a spiral that ripples outward from the Source. We’re pretty far away from Source here in the third dimension, and our journey back to our original home will be a journey of inner exploration. We’ll gradually learn more and more about ourselves and the reality around us, and after a lot of inner work, we’ll eventually re-reach Source and experience a higher dimension that’s unlike any other. Source exists in a completely unique realm that’s separate from (yet united with) every lower and higher realm, and we have a long way to go until we’re truly back with our creator. Now, we’re going to learn about the creation of this galaxy on the part of a creator entity who, like the rest of us, was split from Source and given its own ‘identity’. Just like we can create various things here on earth, higher-dimensional creator entities are responsible for the creation of galaxies, planets, etc., and it goes without saying that they oversee their creations. I’d imagine they have as much love for all of us as we have for our children, because they created our planetary and cosmic homes. We’ll discover that we can also create/host entire galaxies and planets as we continue evolving, and we’ll be very surprised when we see how infinite our creative abilities are. To read the rest of this, visit: cultureofawareness/2014/09/11/who-is-ra-part-9-the-creation-of-our-galaxy/
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:46:01 +0000

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