Who is She....Anyway? Her early persona then....what made Kay, - TopicsExpress


Who is She....Anyway? Her early persona then....what made Kay, Kay? The way she behaved, her speech, her self-image, her personality, etc.? Honestly, I was never sure, not at first. She would often confuse me.....a contradiction? Sometimes so terribly shy, and, at other times to shock me, her straightforwardness, her boldness. Those first kisses, for example. I didnt see them coming, not at all, open mouth even! She taught me to kiss properly, no foolin. Instinct, she explained. I watched movies on TV. :-) Set me aflame too, she would. The first I recognized of her special features.....those fabulous lips. Totally delicious! I tasted them constantly, no shortage, her kisses, the only thing free of restriction! I was allowed to caress only her lips. I took advantage, that little bit of freedom, I surely did. Got any other lessons for me? (grin) Her self image...sadly lacking, that early beginning. Kay, youre beautiful! What are you seeing anyway? Try to imagine my battle, and it was an emotional struggle trying to convince her. Do you really believe it was just mediocrity or anaverage look that attracted me to you? Just stumbling into your path would take my breath away! Shed smile.... I continued. It hurts to think that you would doubt me, my excellent taste. I wanted you, following you around for months like a little puppy, and now you want me to believe that I made a mistake, that you are not worthy of my attention? Not so much her face as the rest of her. Im too skinny, nothing up here, I even bite my fingernails, look at these! Such a whiner.....she hated her freckles too. :-) Irritated now, I had to speak up. Listen to me you little dickens! Youre not even 15 yet, I love your freckles and I dont care about your fingernails, and Im sure you will be just fine....up there. Guess what? I was right!!! (big smile) Weeks later, she drew my attention to her hands. See....theyre growing. I hated hiding them from you. Her freckles, too, would fade in time. I mourned their loss, loved them, all too cute....she wore them so well. (grin) By that following year she had gained some weight, all of 105 lbs now. Her bra size?.....well we didnt get all that personal so soon, but I did have eyes to see, dont you know? (giggle) Little Kay was blossoming....a rose bud so close now to full bloom, a standout in anybodys bouquet. By 16 and 1/2 she was looking so good, feeling much better about herself too. I was still hanging around....clinging, observant......others were bound to notice, and that frightened me! Hey, I wasnt stupid! Never disengaged, that girl is MINE! :-) Kay is much more confident now.....Im so sorry I doubted you, doubting myself too. Never high and mighty, always down to earth...a commoner in her own eyes. Her new awareness now, those female charms she would put to good use to capture me even more completely. Obviously, she did very well, and, with little effort. I was ready, willing and waiting. Im yours baby! Looking back now, I must have been (embarrassingly) oh, so easy. :-) Kay was/is as good as gold. Gentle, her kindness, her full attention, she pampered me, attentive always. Insisted I look after my own behavior, my speech never really nasty, not an issue, but I made sure of it around her. I followed her lead, she would never think of using foul language, nothing even close. She was never high maintenance either, very little make-up, a natural beauty. Solid proof.....later, when we were married, waking up with her in the morning, oh, she looked so sweet. I loved to watch her sleeping too. I wanted to have HER for breakfast. (Oates....get it?) (giggle) The only down-side to her personality, when she was tired, sleepy. I knew to walk softly and stand aside, any charm I might have possessed.....worthless! Just leave her alone! An early lesson.....me feeling frisky in the middle of the night. Oh, oh, oh, a terrible move, not wise at all! Didnt turn out as I had hoped. Any advances, be sure shes rested and totally awake. Either that, or let her initiate the spooning on her own. That would always prove to be the real deal anyway! I became a very thoughtful husband. A safe (and uninjured) one too. As they say.....a no brainer :-) Oh, and about jewelry? She never wore any.....except that little necklace, two or three of those she owned. Ive never known her to wear earrings, no piercings, not even today. Her earlobes....untouched...except by me. (grin) Frugal, she hates to spend money on herself, generous with others. Im much more free with money, but weve never clashed over those differences. The latest style will not influence her, an eye for clothing, if it looks and feels good. Shes stayed with the basics, did wonders for a pair of Bermuda shorts or slacks and a pretty blouse, only a few dresses. Always immaculate, smelling so good, a touch of her perfume in all the right places, I won the raffle, and every time! No big deal, her attitude. She wins the game with a real bargain, and believe me, she knows where to look, and when shes found one. Thats my Kay. :-) Shes more casual now, her golden years. Still pretty, even on her worst day. She takes her shower (alone), :-) fixes her hair so nice, oh, the aroma of her. Sweetie, you look so pretty this morning. Thank you she replies...bashful like. Have you had your breakfast yet. No, my answer. How about some Oates, I suggest! Were out, she says, giggling. Oatmeal, we have, that I can fix for you. OK then, Oatmeal it is! I know how to treat a lady. My lady! :-) bob
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:12:57 +0000

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