Who is The Accessories Guru? The other day, Guru posted a pic - TopicsExpress


Who is The Accessories Guru? The other day, Guru posted a pic of a beautiful garment on his Facebook page. A dear friend expressed her absolute admiration for the item, which Guru of course was most grateful for. In expressing her unquestionable support, she did however pose the following questions. “Who is Guru? What is his tone? What does he stand for? This had Guru thinking, after all these questions are naturally thought provoking, if not profound. So after a weekend of tremendous introspection, Guru came up with the following: “The Accessories Guru” is a simple man (or maybe not:) with an innate appreciation for all things BEAUTIFUL. Guru’s desire is to offer beautiful accessories and garments, to the woman in especially a lower, then middle class neighbourhood whose married to the kind of man whose last kind word to her was “I do” twenty, thirty or even two years ago. Guru is interested in the woman, who feels worthless, unattractive, and insignificant. Guru would like to avail beautiful items to the woman whose diminished, exhausted, belittled. The kind of woman who turns a blind eye to her husbands indiscretions, indiscretions which leave her humiliated, publicly, daily. Guru wants to cater to the woman whose unruly son she hasn’t seen since Friday morning when he left home and who hasn’t called by Sunday afternoon just to say he’s okay and to keep his worrying mother from spending another night wide awake in the hope that he’s still alive. Guru wants to cater to the woman, whose boss has not recognised her loyalty to him for the last ten years she’s worked for and supported his business. Guru even understands that this same woman’s annual raises simply placed her in a higher tax bracket, but with no more disposable income than she had the previous month. So a new dress has become a pipedream. Guru wants to cater for the woman like his own mother, whose dressed TV personalities, glamour girls, matriculants, brides and the local neighbourhood housewives in the most gorgeous garments for a measly compensation, but who’s never had the pleasure of wearing a similar dress herself. Guru wants to cater for the woman, whose never been told she’s attractive, significant, that she adds value and that the last meal she slaved for and presented to her family was actually quite a delight. Guru also wants to cater for the woman whose only daughter has run off with another’s husband, believing that she’s “special” and who will return home a few weeks from now, broken, dismayed, disillusioned and thoroughly used up. Guru wants to cater for the woman or girl who just wants to look and feel pretty in something really special at her best friends nuptials this coming Saturday, even though nobody will tell her how great she looks. Guru wants to cater to the woman whom everybody calls fat, disregarding the fact that she has birthed four children, eaten poorly because she couldn’t afford better nutrition, has a thyroid condition and is too depressed to think of or feel like walking around the block in her neighbourhood. After all, even if keen to take that walk, she’ll be harassed and insulted by children young enough to be her grandchildren. Guru also wants to cater to that hostile girl, whose been wolf whistled at all her life, whose been threatened with the worst possible forms of aggression and who deems it essential to play down her femininity, just to survive. Guru wants to cater to the girl or woman who is under the misguided apprehension that over exposing herself will get her places. Guru wants to cater to the lawyer who is too busy defending children and other abused women and does not have the time or inclination to troll shopping malls in search of a dress. So my dear petals, THIS IS WHO GURU IS. A man with regard for the many women whose inner girl child would simply love to have just one nice dress, just one nice pair of shoes, just one fancy necklace. Guru is also so grateful to and for those women who are loved, appreciated, naturally classically beautiful and comfortable. They too have the same girl child inside them and also need to feel special, beautiful and significant even though they might not know real hardship. Thank God they don’t. So in conclusion petals, Guru’s page is not about passing off inferior products as high end labels. They’re NOT couture items, but that does not mean he would not like to offer high end some day or even combine the two. His criteria for sourcing is clear and simple, GOOD workmanship, practical, classic, affordable and BEAUTIFUL. Guru’s page is selfishly first about indulging his need to create and surround himself with all things beautiful, daily, constantly consistently, and freely. It is then about sharing that creativity in a manner which uplifts, enhances, creates joy and makes EVERY woman feel an incredible sense of healthy self love. So “like” his page only if you really do, don’t if you don’t. Approve and admire only if you really do. Don’t if you don’t. Support if you really wish to. Don’t if you won’t. Guru respects women and their right to choose….hopefully their right one day to CHOOS . The intention is to find simple affordable items that are simply BEAUTIFUL. To then accessorise and present them in the best way Guru knows how and hope it brings joy and excitement. Most importantly it’s about indulging the little girl in all women, no matter how successful or not, happy, sad, old, young, fat, thin, tall, short, black, white (and everything in between) they may be. It’s a pure expression of love and regard for women, something which those who know him can attest to. So my darling friend (you know who you are who posed all these questions with such love and care, THANK YOU. It’s wonderful to have an opportunity to live an examined life LOVE. Guru.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 01:25:12 +0000

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