Who is actually taken it seriously? What does it take to have - TopicsExpress


Who is actually taken it seriously? What does it take to have Earth release Her energies release peacefully? Know that Anti-Creations success is to completely destroy Earth and do the cosmic harvesting. Is MB really doing its homework? The following may enlighten you somewhat. Stromboli Fire-Medicine Island of the Earth! * It must be essentially understood that the Divine Plan, to make Earth the Portal of Peace, requires the collaboration between Heaven and Earth, of which Man is the bridge. It is Man who can be the “rising-catalyst”, because we have the 7 chakras to refine Earth’s energy to further the Ascending-process. Earth has only one chakra and as such Her inner-power can only be released on the Horizontal plane by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. * Heaven impacts Earth with the power that is 7 times greater than Earth’s expanding power. So, with the Earth-Human collaboration Heaven’s impact can be transcended (1 + 7 = 8), outwards into the infinite universe (see illustration)! * It is by the Fire-element that the ascending-power can be attained. For this reason Man was given the intelligence to use fire (primarily to help with the release of the Memory that the Food contains – by way of Cooking Food, to internalize the Fire). * Earth uses the Fire from the inorganic level up and Man can use Fire from Her surface level up and beyond the ionosphere into the infinite universe. By it Heaven and Earth can most powerfully unite in the Heart (meeting-point where we can have the Direct conscious connection with The ONE! Internally Earth correlates with the small-intestine (womb-area) where the Food begins to change into the Blood whereby the Heart can be reached and from there we can become conscious that ALL IS ONE. It is by this consciousness that Universal Peace (quite different than “conventional peace”) can be realized. Peace is not just the absence of military interaction. True Peace is the harmonious relationship between each cell of our Being and a corresponding Star. Know that we are Creation in the Human Form! * The contrasting Dark-order, however, tries to do everything in its capacity, to prevent Peace to be realized (it cannot exist without the Reactionary energies), which has today become utmost obvious (doing its “last kicking”). Its strategy is to keep continuing the conflicts on the Mind related HORIZONTAL plane, primarily using the manipulated Foods and beverages to control the Blood (later becomes the body-cell) whereby we can exist, feel and think. Hence on Earth’s surface, the Nations and its institutions (foremost the medical system) have been used as the conflict-factors, affecting both internally and externally. * All sorts of competitions, suing-system, favoritism (“discounts”) and many laws have been used to spill our energies ‘flat-out”. Even “tourism” contributes to the maintenance of the “flat-world” consciousness. The entire Globalization-system is about the fixation of the “flat-world mentality”. The East-West fixation, although a major part of the Divine Plan, has been contributing to the “flat-world cult”. At the time of the most cruel and brutal inquisition it was under the penalty of death by torture to say that the world is round. It is still is, considering that we cannot come far without a flat passport. All of this must make place for passing the Portal of the Heart that pulsates by the Vertical inter-action of inner-Heaven/Father (Brain) and inner-Earth/Mother (small-intestine). * It does not matter whether the Evil ones are proven to be corrupt and are shamed, as long as Humanity remains focused on the superficial/artificial level. All of today’s “demonstrations and petitions” benefit the massive distraction from the inner-Power to make the VERTICAL connection. We must remain focused on the Earth-Man-Heaven alignment. As such the mind related “Horizontal” can be controlled from Heart’s Center (“point-zero”, to consciously have the Direct connection with the Creator). Without this inner-control we can be easily fixed and controlled from the outer. The mind-confining internet is already in place to fully contrast the Power of Ascension. The most destructive implosion into Earth’s Core/Heart can only happen when all of Humanity has given up the WILL/CHOICE to BE (I AM)….by having accepted the micro-chip implant, to direct the mind to the opposite of the ascension process. * The DECISIVE-battle in favor of the Light must be won from Earth’s Core/Heart UP, with Her Fire that’s refined by Man on the surface with the help of the Sun (captured by the Plant that then becomes our Food and fuel to cook it). Then the Earth can become indeed the Portal/Fountain of LIGHT, which is the Third Fire. * The three Fires mentioned here are most profoundly integrated in our Body (Creation in the Human Form) as an organ, the Triple-heater/metabolism. It requires the close collaboration of Earth, Man and Heaven, to have the Plan be realized. In other words, the Decisive-battle is of the VERTICAL, of that between the Divine and Evil, and Stromboli plays an essential role in this cosmic-process. * Observe how Stromboli (most active, A-1) is a part of the volcanic Heart-pattern (7 above ocean’s surface (A) and 7 below (B), of which its Center is the below sea-level Mother-volcano (C) who activates all others of the Heart-pattern (see illustration). * On the September full-moon (9th, 2014), a three-day ritual was conducted to have Stromboli be a global volcanic activator, to have Earth’s inner-power be peacefully released. The sign that it was positively accepted was shown in the following manner: ………………… * Also read about other Earth-Man-Heaven confirmations, next. Mt. Fuji On the 2013 summer-solstice a ceremony was held at Mt Fuji. The focus was to have Earths’ energies be released through the 7 Human chakra alignment. Earth has only one chakra and Her energy release is by way of volcanic eruption and earth-quake. So, what happened afterwards? SEVEN volcanoes around the world spewed in 2 hours their ashes, peacefully! Mt. Edna On Sicily the 10-day Oneheart Dance was held with focus that Mt Edna would respond with her ashes, peacefully. On the seventh day (full moon) of the ceremonial dance she did! Turkey Next, the similar dance was held in Turkey, with the focus to have Heaven and Earth forces peacefully unite. After the ceremonial dance the earth slightly trembled in a vertical direction for three days. Then large birds started to come (larger than eagles) near the ceremonial place, up till today. The plan is to create a Ceremonial-center at Stromboli, where one can also be instructed as how to become effective in Winning the Decisive-battle. Already on this Medicine Fire Island the Oneheart Stone Circle (“medicine wheel”) has been build. It is centered around a Fire-circle, of which its ashes are continually shared with many around the world. Who is actually take it seriously? A small attempt to help Earth to peacefully release her energies as She is get aligned between the Sun and the central-Sun. Stromboli Fire-Medicine Island of the Earth! * It must be essentially understood that the Divine Plan, to make Earth the Portal of Peace, requires the collaboration between Heaven and Earth, of which Man is the bridge. It is Man who can be the “rising-catalyst”, because we have the 7 chakras to refine Earth’s energy to further the Ascending-process. Earth has only one chakra and as such Her inner-power can only be released on the Horizontal plane by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. * Heaven impacts Earth with the power that is 7 times greater than Earth’s expanding power. So, with the Earth-Human collaboration Heaven’s impact can be transcended (1 + 7 = 8), outwards into the infinite universe (see illustration)! * It is by the Fire-element that the ascending-power can be attained. For this reason Man was given the intelligence to use fire (primarily to help with the release of the Memory that the Food contains – by way of Cooking Food, to internalize the Fire). * Earth uses the Fire from the inorganic level up and Man can use Fire from Her surface level up and beyond the ionosphere into the infinite universe. By it Heaven and Earth can most powerfully unite in the Heart (meeting-point where we can have the Direct conscious connection with The ONE! Internally Earth correlates with the small-intestine (womb-area) where the Food begins to change into the Blood whereby the Heart can be reached and from there we can become conscious that ALL IS ONE. It is by this consciousness that Universal Peace (quite different than “conventional peace”) can be realized. Peace is not just the absence of military interaction. True Peace is the harmonious relationship between each cell of our Being and a corresponding Star. Know that we are Creation in the Human Form! * The contrasting Dark-order, however, tries to do everything in its capacity, to prevent Peace to be realized (it cannot exist without the Reactionary energies), which has today become utmost obvious (doing its “last kicking”). Its strategy is to keep continuing the conflicts on the Mind related HORIZONTAL plane, primarily using the manipulated Foods and beverages to control the Blood (later becomes the body-cell) whereby we can exist, feel and think. Hence on Earth’s surface, the Nations and its institutions (foremost the medical system) have been used as the conflict-factors, affecting both internally and externally. * All sorts of competitions, suing-system, favoritism (“discounts”) and many laws have been used to spill our energies ‘flat-out”. Even “tourism” contributes to the maintenance of the “flat-world” consciousness. The entire Globalization-system is about the fixation of the “flat-world mentality”. The East-West fixation, although a major part of the Divine Plan, has been contributing to the “flat-world cult”. At the time of the most cruel and brutal inquisition it was under the penalty of death by torture to say that the world is round. It is still is, considering that we cannot come far without a flat passport. All of this must make place for passing the Portal of the Heart that pulsates by the Vertical inter-action of inner-Heaven/Father (Brain) and inner-Earth/Mother (small-intestine). * It does not matter whether the Evil ones are proven to be corrupt and are shamed, as long as Humanity remains focused on the superficial/artificial level. All of today’s “demonstrations and petitions” benefit the massive distraction from the inner-Power to make the VERTICAL connection. We must remain focused on the Earth-Man-Heaven alignment. As such the mind related “Horizontal” can be controlled from Heart’s Center (“point-zero”, to consciously have the Direct connection with the Creator). Without this inner-control we can be easily fixed and controlled from the outer. The mind-confining internet is already in place to fully contrast the Power of Ascension. The most destructive implosion into Earth’s Core/Heart can only happen when all of Humanity has given up the WILL/CHOICE to BE (I AM)….by having accepted the micro-chip implant, to direct the mind to the opposite of the ascension process. * The DECISIVE-battle in favor of the Light must be won from Earth’s Core/Heart UP, with Her Fire that’s refined by Man on the surface with the help of the Sun (captured by the Plant that then becomes our Food and fuel to cook it). Then the Earth can become indeed the Portal/Fountain of LIGHT, which is the Third Fire. * The three Fires mentioned here are most profoundly integrated in our Body (Creation in the Human Form) as an organ, the Triple-heater/metabolism. It requires the close collaboration of Earth, Man and Heaven, to have the Plan be realized. In other words, the Decisive-battle is of the VERTICAL, of that between the Divine and Evil, and Stromboli plays an essential role in this cosmic-process. * Observe how Stromboli (most active, A-1) is a part of the volcanic Heart-pattern (7 above ocean’s surface (A) and 7 below (B), of which its Center is the below sea-level Mother-volcano (C) who activates all others of the Heart-pattern (see illustration). * On the September full-moon (9th, 2014), a three-day ritual was conducted to have Stromboli be a global volcanic activator, to have Earth’s inner-power be peacefully released. The sign that it was positively accepted was shown in the following manner: ………………… * Also read about other Earth-Man-Heaven confirmations, next. Mt. Fuji On the 2013 summer-solstice a ceremony was held at Mt Fuji. The focus was to have Earths’ energies be released through the 7 Human chakra alignment. Earth has only one chakra and Her energy release is by way of volcanic eruption and earth-quake. So, what happened afterwards? SEVEN volcanoes around the world spewed in 2 hours their ashes, peacefully! Mt. Edna On Sicily the 10-day Oneheart Dance was held with focus that Mt Edna would respond with her ashes, peacefully. On the seventh day (full moon) of the ceremonial dance she did! Turkey Next, the similar dance was held in Turkey, with the focus to have Heaven and Earth forces peacefully unite. After the ceremonial dance the earth slightly trembled in a vertical direction for three days. Then large birds started to come (larger than eagles) near the ceremonial place, up till today. The plan is to create a Ceremonial-center at Stromboli, where one can also be instructed as how to become effective in Winning the Decisive-battle. Already on this Medicine Fire Island the Oneheart Stone Circle (“medicine wheel”) has been build. It is centered around a Fire-circle, of which its ashes are continually shared with many around the world. https://youtube/watch?v=SIIThOZfC68 Yellowstone Secret Eruption Program This shows the evidence for a secret program, which is trying to make the Yellowstone super volcano erupt, as soon as possible. I would love to be wrong abou... youtube
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 20:59:56 +0000

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