Who is an END-Time or Message of the Hour Believer - FEW THINGS - TopicsExpress


Who is an END-Time or Message of the Hour Believer - FEW THINGS ???? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have no Creed but Christ, no Book but the Bible, and no Law but Love. Realizing we are in Immortal Season since Rapture is going to come ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE.TESTIMONY.OF.A.TRUE.WITNESS_ JEFF.IN V-15 N-6 SUNDAY_ 61-1105 84 So if we are a Christian, and we are borned of the Spirit, death can hold nothing but victory for us, because this old corruptible body that Satan still has power over will drop into the dust of the earth. But when that season... This is the wrong season now; this is mortal season. But immortal season is coming. When the immortal One comes He will bring with Him the immortal spirits that has returned to Him from the earth, and they shall come forth again in the resurrection for the great millennium, and shall shine in His glory. Believes In The Supernatural ---------------------------------- HE.SWORE.BY.HIMSELF_ JEFF.IN V-26 N-11 SUNDAY_ 54-1212 146…………Deity Itself lives in every believer. Every man thats borned of the Spirit of God is a part of God. No wonder he believes in the supernatural. No wonder he can believe in anything. Realizing He is Immortal With God ---------------------------------------- DEMONOLOGY.PHYSICAL.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 21-40 MONDAY_ 53-0608A 39……………if youre born of the Spirit of God, youre a Christian from that time until the--till you go away, and then youre--youre immortal with God. Thats right, if youre in the church. Realizing we are saved Eternally ---------------------------------- THE.GREAT.COMMISSION_ EDMONTON.AB SUNDAY_ 57-0804A E-24 Now, Divine healing and salvation for the soul is not on the same basis. Jesus died that He might save us. When were saved, were saved eternally. Foundation is the bible ---------------------------------- JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME.YESTERDAY.TODAY.AND.FOREVER_ MIDDLETOWN.OH SUNDAY_ 58-0323 E-4…………Our foundation is the Bible. We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of the living God. And we believe that everything thats done must come from the Bible. All teaching must be based on the Bible…….. Recognizing Bible is Infallible ---------------------------------- QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN COD THURSDAY_ 61-0112 513-16 And these answers are not infallible (See?), because the Scriptures is infallible; and as far as I know theyre lined with the Scriptures. I hope that makes it plain. And the tape is to be kept now, and anyone that would want it, why, they could have it. But now, I know the Scriptures are infallible, but my answers are not infallible…….. Believes in Divine Healing ---------------------------------- LIFE.IS.THE.HEALER_ INDIANAPOLIS.IN TUESDAY_ 57-0611 E-24………..Sickness and sin is so closely associated together, that its almost like the soul and body. Its inseparable. Mans got to die. His soul is full of sin, and his body is full of sickness, and death is pronounced on him. Hes got to go. His soul is sick and his body is sick. And Jesus come to redeem both of them (Thats right.), not just one. His soul... He came to bring complete redemption. And we only have the earnest of our complete salvation now. If there is no Divine healing now, theres no resurrection of the body. Thats correctly. Believe BIBLE is THE ABSOLUTE. Believe BAPTISM in the NAME OF LORD JESUS CHRIST. Believe Full Word (Mal 4, Rev 1, Rev 10 and everything) and not part word Believe Denomination is not MADE OF GOD Believe Denomination STOPS in FOUR feast Believe in ONE GOD and not in THREE GODS - TRINITY Believe GOD sent a prophet to GENTILES as PROMISED in Malachi 4 Believe GOD sent Bro.Branham with VINDICATION to restore to APOSTLIC FAITH Believe speaking in tongues is NOT the EVIDENCE of the HOLY GHOST as BIBLE NEVER said so.... Believe Samuel Came to the Witch instead of Evil Spirit as Denomination says Believe Original Sin by Serpent Seed and not instead of Apple or Apricot which is not in the bible as Denomination says Not any chicken food. Chickens goes to Denomination but eagle takes only eagle food ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AS.THE.EAGLE.STIRRETH_ TULSA.OK V-2 N-12 SUNDAY_ 60-0403 Youre eagles. You have to take eagle food. Eagle cannot eat chickens food. Dove can eat only grain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AS.THE.EAGLE.STIRS.HER.NEST.AND.FLUTTERETH.OVER.HER.YOUNG_ HARRISONBURG.VA SUNDAY_ 58-0316A E-56 An experience. God wants His church to be experienced with trusting Him and taking His Word. Theyre eagles. If they are eagles, theyll eat eagle food. Now, an eagle cannot eat a chickens food. But a chicken can eat eagles food. You see the hypocrite? Thats right. A eagle cant eat what a chicken eats. But a chicken can eat what the eagle eats, and eats whats he eats too. Like the crow and the dove in the ark. The crow can eat anything, but the dove can only eat grain. But the crow can eat grain, and eat off of a dead carcass too. Thats the old hypocrite, that can go to church and pretend to be a Christian, go right out with world, and say, It dont condemn my conscience. Well, they got no more conscience than a snakes got hips. They dont--they dont know nothing about--anything about conscience. How can they have it, when they aint got it to start with? Eat eagles Food. Can lift up higher than other birds ---------------------------------------------------------------- AS.THE.EAGLE.STIRS.HER.NEST.AND.FLUTTERETH.OVER.HER.YOUNG_ HARRISONBURG.VA SUNDAY_ 58-0316A E-6 You know, it goes to the inside of us. And the church is starving today for some of that Word. Theres nothing will take its place. Not nothing will take the place to the eagles, but the real food, eagles food. And we are eagles, so we have to have eagles food, not social gatherings, not political speeches, or not some little stitch-and-sew party, but we need some eagles food, fed from the mouth of Jehovah Eagle. Thats why He likened us unto eagles. Another thing is about the eagle; hes a special bird. He--he isnt like any other bird. The eagle is so strong, and he flies higher than any other bird thats known. Theres no bird can stay with Him. You know, you see the hawk go up in the air, but if the hawk tried to follow the eagle, hed disintegrate. The eagle is a far stronger bird. He can fly higher than any other bird there is, and thats the reason Jehovah likened us to unto eagles. You just simply can lift up higher than the ordinary bird. I mean, Im speaking about real eagles, Jehovahs choice. Eagles behaviour -------------------------------- THE.QUEEN.OF.THE.SOUTH_ GREENVILLE.SC FRIDAY_ 58-0620 E-38 Where the carcass is, the eagles will be gathered. Im talking about eagles now, not buzzards. Im talking about eagles that like eagle food out of the Word of God, not out of some creed book or almanac, but out of the Word of God, that teaches that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He never fails. He just remains the same living God. Eagles Dont like other stuff other than Eagles Food ---------------------------------------------------------------- AS.THE.EAGLE.STIRRETH_ TULSA.OK V-2 N-12 SUNDAY_ 60-0403 Chickens like that kind of stuff, but eagles dont. Thats not eagle food. Fresh Meat - Every Day - NOT Old meat - Denomination ---------------------------------------------------------------- LETTING.OFF.PRESSURE_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-0113M E-55 This eagle, its a great bird. I aint--I havent got time to unfold it, what he does, and how he makes his nest, and where hes not like his denominational brother the chicken, a barnyard scratcher. Hes going to be sure nothing aint going to bother his children. He goes way high. No weasels going to get him or his young ones. Aw, no wonder God likened His heritage to the eagle. You know He calls Himself an eagle. And were eaglets. And the eagle is not a scavenger. He gets fresh meat every day. Amen. Eagle food, thats what the church has to have--not on an experience of forty years ago, an experience I got right now, something fresh from heaven. Thats what I mean. Choose the right and not the wrong Pastor ---------------------------------------------------------------- JEHOVAH.JIREH_ PHOENIX.AZ SATURDAY_ 57-0309E If I was choosing a pastor, and I was on the board, and had to select a pastor, and he was one of those wishy-washy, kind of sissified guys like that, I sure wouldnt vote him into my church. I... anything, Id vote him out, and get a man that did believe Gods Word, and took Gods Word, and preached it, and stood on it. I want a son of Abraham up there, a son of God. Unbelief, Mixed, Unbelievers, Not Called Pastor - Dont go ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE.QUEEN.OF.SHEBA_ LONG.BEACH.CA SUNDAY_ 61-0219 E-26 But Abraham was already out. The word church means called out, the called out group. In other words, God calls for separation. The world today calls for mixers. Many of the people choosing your pastor, you want to get someone who will mix, who will go down and go bathing on the beach, or take a little friendly drink with you, or--or tell a little smutty joke or something. Thats too much in the Protestant realms today. But the people wants a mixer, but God calls for separators. Separate yourself from it. Yoke not up with unbelief. Thats Gods way of doing it. The world has a different conception. A church which guides to Eternal Destination - not a cult or a creed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE.CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 6-4 You have also a choice whether... When you choose this church, you can choose whether you, in this church whether you choose a church that will guide you to your eternal destination. You can choose a church that has a certain creed, that you might think that creeds just what you want; or the other church has their creed. And then there is the Word of God you have a choice of. You have to make your choice. Theres an unwritten law among us of choosing. Remember Churches have spirits - Dont choose wrong spirits ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE.CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E 9-1 The same applies of choosing a church. Now, you must pray over the church that you are fellowshipping in. Remember, churches have spirits. Because of Poor Understanding -------------------------------- THE.CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LA.CA V-2 N-28 THURSDAY_ 65-0429E The people of today, choosing a modern denomination, what it does, it only reflects their poor understanding of the Word. I dont mean to hurt, but I mean to let it go deep enough till that youll look at it. Eagle will gather where there is fresh meat and not dead meat ---------------------------------------------------------------- IS.YOUR.LIFE.WORTHY.OF.THE.GOSPEL_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-5 SUNDAY_ 63-0630E But where the fresh, clean meat is, the eagles will gather. See? Certainly. Where the Word, Eagle Food, theyll gather. HE.ANOINTED.ONES.AT.THE.END.TIME_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-3 SUNDAY_ 65-0725M 214 Where the Carcass is there the eagles will be gathered. Where the Carcass, where the--the--the killing is, there the eagles will be gathered. Where the fresh Meat is, the Word of the season, there the eagles will gather. But after its rottened, then the vultures will swarm to it. See? See what I mean? When a kills made, here comes the eagles, but after it lays there and rotten, then here comes the vultures. The eagle wont have nothing to do with it.See? Jesus said, Where the Carcass is, where the Manna fell, the night the Manna falls fresh, there the eagles will gather for It. Thats the Manna for the day. See? Satan is on the back - They are in dangerous grounds ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. Secretly bring destructive heresies and secret swift destruction without knowing they are in ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Peter 2:1-3 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:19:13 +0000

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