Who is behind the depopulation agenda and what’s it all - TopicsExpress


Who is behind the depopulation agenda and what’s it all about? “One of Baal Shem Tovs followers, Polish Kabbalist Rabbi Schnuer Zalman, founded Chabad, or Lubavitcher, and wrote the Tanya in 1796, the key to Jewish mysticism. Seven successor Rabbis followed, the last being Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (A.D. 1902-1994), known simply as the Rebbe. This charismatic figure urged Jews to act as Jews by studying Torah and performing the 613 mitzvos, etc., and for all Gentiles to become aware of and honor the Noahide Laws. When enough people have done this, Messiah will come (some Lubavitchers believe that Rabbi Schneerson himself is the Messiah, and await his walking out of his tomb). … And the ultimate goal? According to the Rebbe [my emphasis]: The main avodah [spiritual goal] of this generation is to go out to the final war of the golus, to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries (such that and kingship will be Hashems, Ovadiah 1:21). (Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746) … The Seven Laws must be explained in a way that the nations can relate to and, because non-Jews do not possess genuine free will, they will be willing to change more quickly and easily than a Jew. (Hisvaduyos 5748 3:183, cited in The Deed is the Main Thing, Kol Boi Haolam, p. 385-386) Even in the future, the nations will continue to exist, to serve and help the Jewish people.… This, then, is our lesson -- to increase our activities in the areas where the many will be influenced: Jews, the world, and the nations. (Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 21 Kislev, 5745) And according to his followers …: In the second stage, the growing Noachide movement will seize political power--using only peaceful, lawful means--in the capitals of the Western nations. This, of course, will not take place until the Noachide society has grown to some threshold size. We do not know how large this needs to be nor which nations will join the revolution first, although the United States, as a fairly religious, conservative nation, certainly tops the list of prospects. Upon seizing the reins of government, the new Noachide leaders will move quickly to implement a full agenda of reform. All economic and technological aid to the Communist Bloc, including the PLO, will be terminated immediately. Full support will be given to Israeli forces to reinvade PLO-controlled areas, with military assistance offered where necessary. Jewish courts (the batei dini of the rabbis) will be granted full legal sovereignty over Jewish citizens within each country, who will no longer be subject to the authority of gentile courts. The pre-existing Noachide judges and courts will replace the existing court system of each country, and the legal code will be drastically rewritten to conform to halacha; in the United States, the emphasis will be on restoring the authority of the Constitution and abolishing all unconstitutional government programs and agencies. The national debt will be foreclosed, probably by paying off creditors with government land holdings, thus averting economic disaster. And law and order will be fully restored through the establishment of internal security measures, again in accordance with Torah law. … Naturally, Amaleks agents will scream hysterically to intimidate Jews from carrying out the above campaign, hoping to delay this victory. They have no power, however, to prevent our successful action; they can only try to create doubts and hesitation. As the world plunges headlong toward the imminent revelation of Moshiach while the last walls of the exile disintegrate, the number of confused gentiles ready to change is rising exponentially. If the Jewish people immediately begin preparing adequate structures for the Noachide movement, this tide will be channeled directly into a glorious revelation of Truth. But if we allow ourselves to be caught unprepared, this same overwhelming force for social change can, G-d forbid, be diverted to empower Amaleks final assault on holiness. It is not a matter of whether gentile society will explode in the face of the growing crisis; this event is an inevitable, and fast-approaching, reality. We do not want to miss this incredible opportunity to provide light in the final moments of darkness. The world has reached its ultimate point of decision, and the power to succeed belongs entirely to the Jewish people. We can wait until Moshiach comes on his own, following a world war, or we can bring him through our own actions, as the Lubavitcher Rebbe has stated is our mission. The choice is ours.” fisheaters/jc2.html - Part II The Noachide Laws
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:25:58 +0000

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