Who is the Dajjal (in brief)? - He is one of the sons of Adam - TopicsExpress


Who is the Dajjal (in brief)? - He is one of the sons of Adam (AS) i.e. a human who Allah granted extraordinary abilities which no other human will have. - He is called Dajjal, meaning uses trickery and fraud which are worse than lying. - All the Prophets of Allah from Prophet Adam (AS) to Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) constantly warned about this imposter, the Dajjal. - The Dajjal is the Greatest fitnah (trial) that all the Prophets, specially the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) feared for this Ummah, because of the confusion and turmoil that he will bring, as well as his claim to be the Lord of the Worlds ! , Nauzubillah ! Physical description of the Dajjal? - He will be short and walk with his toes turned in and a gap between his calves. - He will have curly hair - His hair will be thick. - He will be blind in one eye which will look like a floating grape, - Most of the Hadiths that indicate both eyes are deformed /disfigured seem to portray that the condition of the right eye is more serious to the extent that he is most likely blind in his right eye, while the left eye is not blind, but just looks ugly. - He will be white. He will have a wide forehead. - On his forehead, theArabic letters ﻙ (ka), ﻑ (Fa), ﺭ (Ra) (which mean unbeliever) will be appear written between his eyes which every believer will be able to clearly see and read, regardless of whether the believer is literate or illiterate. - He will be sterile and have no children. The place where he will emerge? - Iran (Sahih Muslim) Who will join his army? - 70,000 Jews from Iran will be the first to accept the Dajjal - Most of the disbelievers and Hypocrites including the followers of deviated sects of Islam will join him. - People with faces like hammered shields. - Majority of his followers will be women. Where will Dajjal go? - He will travel rapidly around the world except Makkah & Madeenah. How many days will the Dajjal stay? - He will stay 40 days on earth, First day is like a year, second day like a month, third day like a week and the rest of his days like our 24 hour days. How will the Dajjal deceive the people? - The Dajjals Trickery, Deception, and Super- Natural Acts - The Dajjal faces Opposition, His Paradise will be Hell and his Hell will be Paradise. - Believers in Allah will face hardship while the believers in the Dajjal will temporarily rejoice. - His Rewards & Punishments; He will have a mountain of bread with him, but he will only give bread to those that believe and follow him. - The Earth will uncover treasure at his command - The Dajjal lures Women The End of the Dajjal? - He will die in Al-Shaam (Syria) - The Dajjal with his massive army will come to attack the final Muslim stronghold (Jerusalem, defended by Mahdi (AS)), There will be a very few handful of Muslims (around 1500). - Then Eisa (AS) will descend and He will kill the Dajjal. - Then all the followers of the Dajjal will repent and revert back to Islam. There are so many Duas, prayers, and other methods showed in Quran and Sunnah to protect ourselves from the Fitnah of the Dajjal, read about them and practice them.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:57:57 +0000

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