Who is the right historian in Ethiopia history who can tell us the - TopicsExpress


Who is the right historian in Ethiopia history who can tell us the real history of Ethiopia with out any intention of racism and biased politics? I dont give a shot for this kind of dirty politics. Why dont we focus to build a new Ethiopia which can transform to a developed country. We have millions things to do. This kind of attitude does not help to move the country forward. We better focus on the future. I am confused, tired and sick of this kind of dirty politics, politicians, show, racism, racist people. I am not saying that because I am Amhara. I think We all have an identity crisis politically. Why do people drive me crazy to hate myself/identity/ or to be someone else? Come on! Being Amhara is just being Amharic speaker. It doesnt mean anything else. We all dont have to be tigre. It could be boring. It is beautiful when we are colourful or mixed and have different dialects. Lets stop listening the stereotypes about any races. We are human and have the capacity to deal with anything so lets make up the history together to get more acceptance about Ethiopia history. Otherwise, we will blame each other for ever with out doing anything. We better be confident about ourselves and do something for the country, not for your race. Lets be civilized people. Stop talking about dirty history that historians made up. I am trying to be rational and emotional about the topic because of my feelings and logics.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:53:34 +0000

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