Who is the source of your salvation? Acts 16:29-31 “ The - TopicsExpress


Who is the source of your salvation? Acts 16:29-31 “ The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. He then brought them out and asked, ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ They replied, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.” (NIV) Most of us undoubtably recognise Paul as being a man who likes to express Christian theology in a manner that is crystal clear and does not allow room for ambiguity. He wants people to understand their faith and he wants them to be sure that it’s based on the right understanding and the right foundation. Doctor Luke, recounts the actions of the jailer responsible for keeping guard over Paul and his fellow prisoners. Luke alludes to the fact that Paul and the other prisoners had been praising God in song and prayer at nightfall. Subsequently the prison guard fell asleep and the Lord caused a mighty earthquake to release the shackles from the prisoners and swing wide open the prison doors. Most people’s normal reaction would be to run for freedom, but not these men. A perplexed jailer was about to commit suicide after realising that the men had escaped his watch. However, before the fatal blow could take place, Paul intervenes confirming that the prisoners are still all there and not one had left. What relief that jailer felt. Coupled with the immense relief was the amazement that these prisoners actually remained in the jail and this spoke volumes to him of their Christian values. So much so that the jailer desired to know what he must do to be saved? Paul’s response to that question is what shall be examined in our meditation this week. Remember what was said earlier about Paul wanting to make the Christian theology crystal clear? His response to the jailer’s question, “what must I do to be saved?” Is the perfect example of Paul making things crystal clear. So often when people are asked if they have faith, the response is something like” yes I believe in God.” Yet friends a belief in God is not what the God of the Bible requires for your salvation. There is a massive gulf between you and God caused by sin, which means that a belief in God will never justify your salvation before a Holy God. The Bible never asks anyone to believe in God for salvation. But rather as Paul makes clear here in this passage in verse 31, we are to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God for our salvation. Therefore, while it is not wrong to believe in God, the source of our salvation is Jesus Christ. Therefore our faith and our beliefs must be rooted firmly and centred upon Jesus Christ. What is it to believe in Jesus Christ? Is it just a matter of believing in your head that Christ exists? If that were the case, even Satan believes that Christ exists. Therefore does that make him a Christian? Certainly not. The mark of a Christian is the Spirit of God living within. In other words, the Spirit of Christ must be dwelling in your heart. Therefore true belief is not knowing about Jesus Christ, but rather knowing Jesus personally because he lives within you. Paul advised the jailer that he was to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. But what exactly must we believe concerning Jesus? Romans 5 verse 8 states, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Firstly, we must believe that we are sinners. Secondly, we must believe and realise that our sinful state, if not dealt with, permanently excludes us from a relationship with God. Thirdly upon realising this, we must believe that we are incapable of dealing with our sin and need an advocate. Fourthly we must believe that Christ is that advocate. After all this verse tells us that even while we were still in our sinful state Christ died for us. He died for you and he died for me and all so that we could have that relationship with God restored. If you stand on one side of a river and wish to get across to the other, what do you need? Of course a bridge. You and I in our sinful state stood afar from God with an enormous gulf separating us from him. The only thing that bridges that gulf is the once and for all sacrifice upon the cross of our substitute and saviour Jesus Christ. If we attempt to cross a river do we rely on what is on the other side to carry us over there. Of course not. Our dependence is totally and exclusively on the bridge. It is the bridge that will enable us to span the gap which would otherwise be impossible to span. Likewise Jesus and his sacrifice upon the Cross is the bridge which you and I must depend upon to span the gulf between God and man. I wonder who are you believing in for your salvation. Is it yourself and your own good deeds? If so you are lost. Is it God? You’re halfway there. But if your belief is in Jesus Christ and in him alone then my friend your salvation is secure. The old hymn writer says almost persuaded, almost but lost. Friends almost is not enough. Almost persuaded will send you to hell. Will you not say today, “I am trusting thee Lord Jesus, trusting only thee, trusting thee for full salvation great and free. Jesus is the bridge on which you must believe for deliverance to heaven and home. Will you not set your first foot on that bridge today and trust him to carry you home.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 06:03:18 +0000

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