Who pays the bill when LOOSE CANNON, Matt Lewis once again arrests - TopicsExpress


Who pays the bill when LOOSE CANNON, Matt Lewis once again arrests the wrong guy then uses excessive force to do it? What? He arrested the wrong guy and KNEW him to be the wrong guy? YUP. Five full grown deputies were present yet (under the command of Lewis) they hit him in the neck with a taser then slammed him to the ground. Sure this is bad but (I kid you not) Lewis said he would do it again. Did you hear that? Lewis said he would do it AGAIN. Since he carried a policy for pre-paid legal services, Mesa County didnt get it in the neck...............THIS TIME. If I was the pre-paid legal service and had just paid out a six figure settlement, Im thinking my firm would drop this client like a hot rock. Especially after he said he would do it AGAIN. Lets assume this scenario is correct and Lewis no longer enjoys the services of said legal team. He boldly admits he will do it again. Without his security blanket legal team around any more, who do you suppose will pick up the tab for his promised future false arrests? If you guessed the Mesa County tax payer, you guessed right. You voters will pay for his next violation of the Constitution. OK heres the question that begs an answer. Never mind his status as a Sheriff candidate, why is this man still working? Dont ask me because I havent a clue. Ask Sheriff, Rebecca Spiess. Ask her what pressure is on her to keep this unrepentant rogue on the payroll? Then ask GOP Chair, Lois Dunn why she thinks Lewis is a viable candidate for sheriff? It must be a GREAT reason because she reduced Brad Barker from his slot as Captain in the elections for pointing out that Lewis was not only tarnished by this violation of the Constitution, but that he lied to the vacancy board about having skeletons in his closet. The Mesa County Machine is comprised of an elite group of self important manipulators and they must really want this guy badly. I believe Matt Lewis must be prime sock puppet material for the dreaded Machine. They have been running this county from behind the curtain for too long.............WAY too long. Voters; you better ask those two questions or its going to be the same old crap.......again. Well, thats the news from Lake Woe Begone and as usual, thanks for listening. Write in candidate for Mesa County Sheriff, MIKE HARLOW. P.S. Get to the cemetery early or the stiffs will all vote democrat.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:06:10 +0000

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