Who`s In The Dock? (Part-1) Again Congress, Rahul Gandhi, - TopicsExpress


Who`s In The Dock? (Part-1) Again Congress, Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh.Who keep telling lies to people of India about 2002 Gujarat Riots. Let truth be known about Modi: By Ram Jethmalani who is a senior politician and eminent lawyer. This was published in The Sunday Guardian. This is what Mr Ram Jethmalani writes... India was made to believe that Modi was complacent while riots seared Gujarat. Evidence indicates otherwise. The UPA government, on coming to power in 2004, put in place its most accomplished experts to meticulously draw up its corruption road map, which it succeeded in implementing with precision until the scams exploded in public space. Post-mortem reports of the 2G scam, the ISRO Devas deal, the Commonwealth Games fraud, to name a few, clearly establish this. I have no doubt that future historians will place the UPA in the same league as other plunderers of India, like Ghazni and the Pindaris. Another road map uppermost in the Congress agenda was towards the political assassination of Narendra Modi, and banishing him from Indias political firmament forever, using the unfortunate post Godhra riots as a handle. Congress think tanks worked overtime to draw up a comprehensive, multifaceted strategy of slander, false accusation, governmental and non-governmental disinformation, Goebellesian lies, aimed at converting falsehood into belief among the general population, opinion leaders and influential intellectuals. The lies were to be simple and crisp; they were to be repeated ad nauseam to embed them firmly as truth in the public mind, the media and internationally. Puppets were to be created and nurtured to keep the fiction of Modis involvement in the Godhra riots alive in the courts, in the media and in the minds of the people, through any lie or deception. Now that the SIT has completed its investigation, and submitted its report to the Supreme Court, it is time the nation and the world knew about the travesty of slander and lies that has been disseminated against Modi by the Congress through hired and unethical civil society organizations, such as Citizens for Justice and Peace headed by Teesta Setalvad, disgruntled officers like Sanjiv Bhatt, who made futile attempts to start an aggressive campaign against Modi 10 long years after the riots, and certain sections of the media. Today, the lid over the entire political conspiracy has blown, and the false testimony and machinations of Teesta Setalvad and Sanjiv Bhatt have been exposed. Let me inform the people of a few instances of deliberate disinformation against Modi, which gained huge currency during the last 10 years, backed by the malicious hate campaign, which the SIT investigation has proved to be completely false. 1. The country was made to believe that Modi sat complacent and inert while the riots were searing Gujarat. The evidence indicates otherwise. Immediately after the Godhra train burning, on the evening of 27 February 2002, the Gujarat Chief Minister summoned an emergency meeting of top ranking officials of the government, took steps to deploy the Rapid Action Force (RAF), State Reserve Police, local police at sensitive points. Since the army at Ahmadabad Cantonment had been called at the border in view of the attack on Parliament earlier, the Chief Minister requested the then Defence Minister telephonically on 28 February 2002 to immediately deploy army battalions to tackle the situation, which were deployed immediately. 2. The Congress, through its mouthpieces Teesta Setalvad and Sanjiv Bhatt maliciously fabricated a story, vigorously picked up by certain so called intellectuals and of course the anti national elements of our society, that Narendra Modi and the police administration conspired to carry out a pogrom by Hindus against Muslims and that the Gujarat riots were state sponsored. Undisputed statistics presented to the SIT show that in the first six days of the riots, 61 Hindus and 40 Muslims were killed in police firing. The death of any person in police firing is tragic. But does a police firing death toll with 60% casualties being Hindu indicate a pogrom by the state government against Muslims? The complaint of Zakia Jafri (filed at the behest of Teesta Setalvad) alleges that the riots that followed the Godhra train carnage were a conspiracy and a pogrom by the ruling party in Gujarat and its Chief Minister in which almost the entire administration was a co-conspirator. More particularly, they perpetrated a smear campaign that the Chief Minister had instructed the police officials not to interfere with or use force against the Hindus taking revenge against the Muslims. This allegation has not been supported by any evidence, except for the false testimony of Sanjiv Bhatt, which not only appeared suddenly after 10 years, but has also been demolished by positive evidence that he is lying. Teesta Setalvad, under tutelage of the Congress government, propagated to the world at large that the Godhra train carnage was accidental and the riots were a conspiracy supported by the Gujarat government. Read Part-2 in cont of this.: By Ram Jethmalani : Dear Friends, Ram Jethmalani is revealing the truth about 2002 Gujarat riots and the role of Narendra Modi. In this report, He is exposing Congress`s systematic propaganda to nail Narendra Modi, with the hired Human right Activist of the NGO, called Citizens for Justice and Peace headed By Teesta Setalvad. Teesta Setalwad who is provoking and fanning communal sentiments in Gujarat and all over India for the last 12 years only to hang Modi without proving any accusations against him. Now she is joined by Arvind Kejriwal, again social activists in the past, and proven dishonest leader of Aam Admi Party in this political campaign against Mr Modi to prove he is a criminal, a killer and a fascist. This is also fueled by disgruntled officers like Sanjiv Bhatt, who made futile attempts to start an aggressive campaign against Modi 10 long years after the riots. Sanjiv Bhat again is a prop of corrupt Congress working for their set political agenda to woo Muslim voters in 2014 elections. These props, NGOs Human Right Activists are hired by Congress to work on their political agenda to fight Modi. This communal politics played by Rahul, Sonia Gandhi and our so called honest Dr Manmohan Singh not only makes you sick but wonder why, why we vote for such dishonest politicians or political parties ? Now who is in the Dock Today for fooling people of India with pack of lies? You can not pardon them for abusing, accusing an innocent person for last 12 years. Isnt this too a gross Human Rights Violation? Ajay Angre Authoer, Writer, Publisher.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:59:54 +0000

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