Who supports the “Father of Lies”? Copied with permission - TopicsExpress


Who supports the “Father of Lies”? Copied with permission from Ban Liberals Not Guns, and edited: What everyone needs to know about the Upcoming 2014 Midterm Elections. The following are The Lyin King supporters up for re-election this year: 1) Gary Peters – Michigan 2) Bruce Braley – Iowa 3) Mark Pryor – Arkansas 4) Mark Begich – Alaska 5) Mary Landrieu – Louisiana 6) D_l_C_K Durbin – Illinois 7) Jeff Merkley – Oregon 8) Kay Hagan – North Carolina 9) Chris (Can’t post actual last name, but it is Cboons, without the b) – Delaware 10) Brian S_C_H_A_T_Z – Hawaii 11) Ed Markey – Massachusetts 12) Jack Reed – Rhode Island 13) Mark Warner – Virginia 14) Al Franken -- Minnesota We the People better remember these 14 criminals in 2014. And here are some of the lies the Father of Lies and the liberal progressive oxygen bandits supported: “I promise 100% transparency in my administration; Period.” “I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year; Period.” “I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.” “I will remove earmarks before I sign any bill.” “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year; Period.” “I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!” “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration; Period.” I was born on Krypton and sent by my Communist Sire, Frank Marshall Davis to save America. I got the real Bin Laden; then the SEALS were accidently slienced. The Lyin King to Medvedev: After the Election, Ill Have More Flexibility. “The 4 killed in Benghazi was because of a trailer video” (that Al Queda had not yet seen) but, Gen. Lyons and others said: “It was a (Whitehouse) plot to have Christopher Stevens kidnapped, then exchanged for the Blind Sheik, making his re-election assured.” Treason! “Ill close Guantanamo Bay.” “Ill resign if I dont cut the deficit in half by the end of four years.” “I believe marriage is between one man and one woman.” “I wont seek re-election unless unemployment falls below 5%.” “Ill unite the people of this great country.” “I am a Mulatto; so I appeal to both Blacks and Whites.” As broadcast on Nile TV in Egypt in which The Lyin King said, My father was a Muslim, my stepfather was a Muslim, and I am still a Muslim. Tell the Muslim world that I sympathize with their cause and Ill show them how Ill handle Israel. “I have al Queda on their heels.” “If you like your insurance you can keep it, Peroid!” “If you like your doctor you can keep him, Perior!” “The ACA will save most family $2500.00 a year; Period.” Feel free to re-post and add more quotes. PLEASE REPOST TIL November 2014; maybe eventually Voter- Fools will understand and stop voting for FOOLS who support The “Father of Lies” and his path of socialistic destruction?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 02:10:42 +0000

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