Who takes religion seriously? Ignorant men mock at Allah’s - TopicsExpress


Who takes religion seriously? Ignorant men mock at Allah’s prophets or at anyone who takes the religion seriously, but they do not reflect that such disrespect reacts on themselves. Their own lives are ruined and they cease to count. If they study history, we will see that countless generations were destroyed before us because they did not take the truth seriously and undermined the very basis of their individual and collective existence. A Prophet does not seek his own advantage. He serves Allah and humanity. His hopes lie in the good pleasure of his Creator, to whose service he is devoted. The argument throughout has been that he had a personal conviction with God for himself, coupled with an appeal to his people to follow that conviction and get the benefit of the spiritual satisfaction which he had himself achieved. He speaks to his people, “how is it possible to for me to do otherwise than to serve and adore my maker? I shall return to Him, and so will you and all this applies to me as much as to you. How can we worship other gods or imaginary deities set up as idols? What benefit would that be? When all power is in Allah? What use would they be? Would these subordinate deities be able to help me or intercede for me with Allah? Not at all, in fact, we all will be going far away from the straight path. My mission is only to show you the right way. It is not to force you but to convince you. My duty is only to proclaim openly and clearly the Law of Allah, which you are breaking. If you are rebellious against Him then the punishment rests with Allah and with Him alone. I have found the fullest satisfaction for my soul in Allah. He is my God, but He is your Allah also. My experience can be yours also. “Will you not follow my advice? Our Lord is indeed Good and Merciful” Think again… And why should I not worship Him (Allah Alone) Who has created me and to Whom you shall be brought back. “Shall I take other aalihah (gods) besides Him? If (Allah) Most Gracious intends me any harm, of no use whatsoever their intercessions will be for me, nor can they save me. “Then indeed, I would be in Error manifest. Verily, I have faith in your Lord, so listen, then, to me!” Do they not see how many generations We (Allah) have destroyed before them? They will not return to them. But all – everyone of them will be brought before Us (for judgment). (Al-Qur’an Ch. 36 Ver.22-25, 31-32)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:55:16 +0000

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