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Who wants some fun???? Who was Mallory Keatons fiance? Which one of the A Team was a Pilot? What is the name of the cat in the smurfs? Whats the connection between Benson & Growing Pains? Who was the leader of the good Transformers? What was the name of the dog in Fraggle Rock? What was the name of Punky Brewsters dog? What was Angelas sons name in Whos the Boss? What was Michael Jackson advertising when he was nearly killed? What was ALFs girlfriend from Melmacs name? What was the name of Arnolds fish on Different Strokes? On Threes Company, what was Jacks retaurant that he opened and was head chef? On Threes Company, whats the first name of Mr. Furleys (landlord) tight wad brother who owned the building? On Threes Company, what city did the trio live in? On Threes Company, what is the name Chrissy is short for? On threes company, what was Chrissys fathers ocupation? What current cast member of ER was on an 80s show of the same name? Who was the bully who terrorized Arnold on Different Strokes? What was Roscoes dogs name on the Dukes of Hazzard? What was the name of the school mistress in The facts of Life? What were the names of the four main characters of the Facts of Life? What was the name of the bartender on The Love Boat? The Jeffersons was a spinoff from what show? What star of the Breakfast Club was also part of the orginal cast of the facts of life? What actor was famous for the line nanoo nanoo? What was the name of Facts of Lifes Mrs. Garrets gourmet food shop? On facts of life, what was the name Andy thought up to give to the girls when they needed to form a singing group? What did Webster call his adoptive parents? What Facts of Life character was in The Godfather? Who shot J.R. Ewing? On Little House on the Prarie, what was the original name for the school teacher? What is the name of the Dukes of Hazzards car? On Little House on the Prairie, what was Lauras horses name? On One Day at a Time, what were the two daughters names? Name the two sets of sibling actors that worked together in Little House on the Prarie. Who palyed Mork from Orks son? On the SuperFriends, what were the Wonder Twins names? (Bonus, what was the monkeys name?) Which famous talk show host made a guest apearence on Laverne & Shirley? Name the three children on Kate and Ali. What method of transportation did Webster use to get from the upper level of the house to the lower level? In Knight Rider, what does K.I.T.T.s name stand for? Mork and Mindy was a spinoff of what TV show? What was the name of the robot girl on Small Wonder? What show is The Dukes of Hazzard a spinoff of? On Laverne & Shirley, what was Lavernes favorite drink. What actress played Laura and Almonzos niece on Little House on the Prairie? What is the real name of the man of arms in He man and the Masters of the Universe How old was John Schneider when he first played as Bo Duke on the Dukes of Hazzard? On Threes Company what was Larrys (the upstairs neighbor) last name? Which professional wrestler popped both of John Stossels ear drums during a 20/20 interview? What was Reverend Jims real last name on TAXI? What was the name of the head master at the Eastland school for girls on the Facts of Life during its first premiere season? How did Ann Jillians character die on Jennifer Slept Here? On the show Kight Rider, what was the name of K.I.T.T.s evil double? (Bonus, what does it stand for?) On Punky Brewster, how was she abandoned by her mother? What actor was famous for the line Nanoo, Nanoo? What show was Family Matters a spin-off of? What is the connection between Jeffersons and Good Times? On Punky Brewster, her best friend Cherri was discussing marrying a guy named Donald...if she married him, what would her full name have been? In Family Ties who was Alex P. Keatons idol? What was the name of the bar that the characters from Threes Company frequented? What island did Balki from Perfect Strangers call home? What was the name of the bar on Dukes of Hazzard? In Knight Rider, whats the real last name of Michael Knight? Elizabeth was the Starchild on this sci-fi show. My dad was a big kid, a big RICH KID. What show was I on? What was the name of the helicopter on Riptide? What does ALF stand for? What media icon invaded Network 23? On what show would you find Gary Gnu? If you heard the words Hey You Guys! what TV program was about to begin? What was Websters adopted mom and dads name What sitcom was The Facts of Life a spinoff of? Where was Hawkeye Pierces hometown in the show M*A*S*H ? What was the name of the short lived spin-off of Threes Company? Name the children on Just the Ten of Us. Bonus: Name the dog. What show was Just the 10 of us spin off of? What was the name of the neighbors that lived next door to ALF?? What was the name of the actress who played Melonie on the show Webster and Melonie? Who played the Uncle on Family Ties? What was ALFs real name? What was the name of the bar/restaurant on THREES COMPANY? What was the connection between Family Matters & Full House? What ws Balki Bartokamus occupation when he lived in Mypos? On Night Court, who was Harrys idol? Who was the famous TV painter from the 80s? What show was a spin-off of Transformers? What TV personality did Doritos commercials? What was the connection between The Facts of Life and ER Who played Jos sailor boyfiend on the Facts of Life? How many children did JR Ewing knowingly have that lived on Dallas? What is the real name of Jem from Jem and the Holograms? What 80s Pro-Wrestler was turned into a G.I. Joe character? In Battle Star Galactica, What was the name of the human leader of the Cylons? Who all lived in the house of Full House when the show ended? What were the two dogs names on Magnum PI? What was the full name of Mangum P.I.? On M*A*S*H, what was the name of BJs wife? What did the P in Roscoe P. Coltrane (from Dukes of Hazzard) stand for? What was the name of Vanessas last boyfriend on The Cosby Show? What was the name of the detective agency in Moonlighting? What was the name of the t.v. show with the theme song that began: Believe it or not, Im walking on air...? What was the name of the woman who helped run the school for the blind on Little House on the Prarie? (Besides Mary Ingalls) What was the name of Murphy Browns news program? What was the date in 1955 did Marty from Back to the Future arrive on. On Full House, what was Jesses REAL first name? What is the connection between Growing Pains and Full House? What current popular sitcom star played Michael P. Keatons girlfriend Lauren Miller on Family Ties? What was the real name of the hospital on St. Elsewhere? In the show The Equalizer, what did the hero (McCall) call his former superior from the agency? On Out of This World what planet was Troy from? What was the Saved by the bell series with Hayley Mills originally called? What was the name of He-mans legless, wizard friend? What was the primary occupation of characters in Falcon Crest? What was punky brewsters best friends name? What Georgia town did the first Dukes of Hazzard episodes take place? What was Al Bundys nickname during the dream sequence with all of the women in his bedroom? What is the connection between Gimme a Break and Family Matters? What was the name of the Other short-lived spinoff of Threes Company What 80s spin off of a 70s tv show did Martin Lawrence play on? What does M.A.S.K. stand for? What was crocketts first name on Miami Vice? His nick name was Sonny. Name the three main bands featured on the cartoon series Jem during its entire 3 year run. What was the name of the home that Sofia Patrillo lived in before moving in with her daughter on the Golden Girls. What Famous congressman was on an episode of the Golden Girls? What Show did the Simpsons first appear? how did Rose Nilins husband Charlie die on The Golden Girls? Who was Michelles first boyfriend on Full House? Can you name the 5 original MTV VJs? The Jeffersons was a spinoff of what show? In the cartoon show My Pet Monster, what were the only things that could send Beastor, Monsters enemy, back to the monster world? Bonus: When these items were put on Monster, what did they do to him? Ben Affleck played CT on what 80s science education television show? On Diffrent Strokes, what pet did Arnold keep in his room? What was its name? What was the name of the older brother on Happy Days? If you saw a segment of Mathnet, what show were you watching? What was the name of the principal on Saved By the Bell? on Different Strokes, who got kidnapped? What was the name of the castle that gave He-Man his powers? Name the twins on the Thundercats. What planet did the Thundercats live on? On Whos the Boss?, what was Samanthas liscense plate on her first car? What short-lived sitcom featured Snow White and Prince Charming living as husband & wife? On M*A*S*H, what was Walter Radar OReilleys home town? What did Archie Bunker on All In The Family call his son-in-law Mike? On the show Tour of Duty, for each of the three seasons the show ran for what were the three locations the team was based? On night Court what was Bulls IQ? (hint: its the same upside down as it is right side up.) What was Rosanna Arquettes characters name in Desperately Seeking Susan? In Desperately Seeking Susan two different women circle Jims personal ad in the newspaper. With what(name both)? In Desperately Seeking Susan: whats the name of the shop from where Susan gets the sequinned boots and later Roberta buys Susans jacket? Name the connection bewteen the A-Team and Battle Star Gallactica? What was the name of the robot on Buck Rogers? What planet did Alf come from? What was the name of the helicopter service that was the cover for Airwolf? What are the names of the Simon brothers from Simon & Simon? What did AJ stand for in Simon & Simons AJ Simon? In Simon & Simon, what unusual thing did Rick live in? (Bonus: Where was it located?) In Simon & Simon, what kind of vehicles did Rick and AJ Simon drive? (Bonus: what was the NAME of Ricks vehicle?) Where did Simon & Simon take place? What was the name of Magnum PIs suave superspy alterego? Where did Thomas Magnum grow up as a kid? In Magnum PI, what was the name of the charter service that TC ran? In Magnum PI, Rick was not Ricks real name. What was his real name? Bonus: Why did he call himself Rick? In Magnum PI, what was the name of the club? In Magnum PI, what kind of car did Higgins drive? In Magnum PI, where did Higgins illegitimite half brothers come from? What did they do? Thomas Magnums dad was played by what actor? Bonus: What other show was that actor also a regular on? Why was Wesley from Mr Belvedere afraid to go to junior high? What is the connection between Good Times and Different Strokes? What were the 3 Chipettes names on Alvin and the Chipmunks? On Knight Rider, who was Garthe Knight? What is the name of the cartoon that had ponies of all colors of the rainbow, and had a design on their butt, there were pegasus, unicorns, and earth ponies and they talked? Bonus: What was the name of the girl that took care of the ponies??? Name the spinoff show from Whos the Boss? Bonus: name the connection between it and Tom Hanks. Who replaced Bo and Luke Duke? On Magnum, P.I., what type of vehicle was Robin 3? Robin 2? Who are the three annoying neighbors in Small Wonder? What city provided the setting for One day at a time? On the show Cheers,What was the name of the restaurant above the bar. What is Iola cat that died on the episode of Mammas Family. Who steals a new razor on Little house on the praire? What was the name of the home of the Care Bear Cousins? What is MacGyvers first name? On Its Your Move, what is the name of the rock band that Mark and his friend Eliot pretended to be? In the cartoon Jem and the Holograms, what was the name of Jems computer. On Night Court, Harry had a statue of what animal in his office? What was the first name of Sledges partner on the show Sledge Hammer! ? What is the connection between Silver Spoons and Family Ties ? In the show Cheers, what was the name of the bar that always played practical jokes on the gang at Cheers? What were the names of Amandas boys on Scarecrow and Mrs. King? What was the club house of the Get Along Gang? What was the name of the comic strip that Henry Rush (Too Close for Comfort)wrote? Who was the leader of the bad guys on Hulk Hogans Rock N Wrestling that annoyed Hulk Hogan and his freinds? On You Cant Do That on Television, what were the two things that dropped out of the sky onto the actors heads and what had to be said to activate them? What did He-man say when he lifted his sword and gained his strength? What 80s group sang the theme song to Square Pegs. What 80s cartoon theme song did Ricky Martin sing? What 80s cartoon was a showcase for New Wave Music videos? What cartoon featured a boy with a community of tiny people living in his wall?
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 07:16:01 +0000

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