Who was Jesus? Then came the end. He was accused of stirring up - TopicsExpress


Who was Jesus? Then came the end. He was accused of stirring up the people . He was placed on trial. He was charged with blasphemy. Did He not claim to be the promised Messiah? At least, did He not allow people to get the impression that He was the Son of God? In His public trial He was challenged to deny His deity, to withdraw His blasphemous statements , and clear up the confused minds of the simple people who believed Him to be God visiting earth in human form. But He could not tell a lie, so He remained silent. The verdict was predictable: death by crucifiction! A crowd gathered to see how a possibility thinker dies. How did He die? He died seeing and seizing the possibilites of the moment! He practiced what He had preached all His life! He turned the hell into a heaven. For here was His chance to save the soul of a lost thief who was being crucified beside Him. This was a spectacular opportunity to dramatictically teach all men of all ages to come that death can be a grand reunion with God! So His last spoken words werr loafed with great expectations. Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit (Luke 23:46). There was a final gasp...and He was gone. The Roman commander in charge of the execution turned away... converted on the spot, he was overheard saying ,Certainly this man was a rivhteous Man! (Luke 23:47). The body was taken down and sealed in a tomb. Then it happened! Easter! He was resurrected. He came back to life again. Why do we believe this fantastic story? Because of the incredible change in His followers. They saw Him alive again. Where they were cowards, they became fearless proclaimers in the city streets... in daylight! Where they were impossibility thinkers...they became possibility thinkers! Praise the Lord..
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 01:17:28 +0000

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