Who will You Give More to When You Have More to Give? There - TopicsExpress


Who will You Give More to When You Have More to Give? There are a Billion people in the world, mostly kids, starving to death. There is enough food and resources in the world so that not another person needs to go without basic nourishment to support life. It takes lots and lots of money to make the dream of ending global starvation a reality. Behind that money is HEART. Not enough people in the world care about this problem. There is not enough collective hearts, so there is not enough money to make sure everyone has this basic necessity for life. There exists natural cures for all cancers of all stages. Most people are not even aware these natural cures exist and just continue to go to the medical community who seem to create more EXPENSIVE problems than they solve. It takes lots of money to raise awareness against a big pharmaceutical industry that profits half a trillion dollars per year. I believe if more people are aware of and believe in natural cures for cancer then no one else will suffer and die from cancer ever again. Behind the money needed to make this beautiful dream a beautiful reality is lots of HEART. Too many people, today, are apathetic. But we are changing that one person at a time. Places like Gerson exist who are actually curing people of all cancers, from all stages, and other chronic diseases, with 100% natural therapies and most people still have never heard of them. Thats inexcusable. There are tens of MILLIONS of families, in the United States alone, struggling to find Quality Clean Affordable housing to live and raise their children in. This takes lots of money, specifically lots of compounding accumulative Passive Cash Flow, to solve this problem. The list goes on of the enormous problems that exist that Heart and Money can solve, but, these are the main ones I chose to focus myself on. The problem, in my personal opinion, is too many people living in democracies like the United States seem to be content making only enough money to take care of themselves while Billions of people in the world are either starving to death, homeless, have a preventable and reversible disease like cancer, or a combination of those things. In my opinion, to only make enough for yourself while a billion people, mostly children, are starving to death is criminally insanely selfish. I know your heart bleeds to do more. Its not that YOU personally are a criminally insanely selfish person. Maybe youve just never looked at money like that before. I dont know whats going on inside of your head. I dont know you so this is not at all to judge you or make statements about you. I would like to share with you that if you live in a nation of opportunity, like the United States, you can make more than you need for yourself, take only what you need for yourself and the security of your family, and make million and billions more to attach yourself to a cause that bleeds true to your heart to start solving those enormous problems for countless other people. Wouldnt that be beyond Amazing? Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could use this? Sharing is caring. - Tom By the way.. Change this ONE THING and you can have more to give and be generous by in Multiplication tables ~ youtu.be/Vuj_07zwMBM Read my FULL blog: tombirkenmeyer/personal-development/judge-less-love-more-give-more/
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 11:07:21 +0000

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