Who will rescue me? Read Romans 7:24-25 I did a sermon series - TopicsExpress


Who will rescue me? Read Romans 7:24-25 I did a sermon series recently on our treasured heroes. We all love a hero, someone who swoops in and saves the day at the last minute. They are strong where others are weak, they are courageous when others are terrified, they are bold when others are meek; and we love it when they save the day. If you watched the Russell Crowe movie version of Noah then like me you were probably sorely disappointed. There was basically no attempt made whatsoever to remain true to the biblical story and left people wondering, “What in the world was that?” However, there is one scene in the movie I liked. It was when Noah came back from visiting the camp where men were at and realized that the problem of sin was in him as well. He realized that sin was the condition of man. It was this same realization that Paul discovered about himself in Romans 7:19, “…I do not do the good that I want to do, but I practice the evil that I do not want to do.” His conclusion—“Oh wretched man that I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” Paul was crying out for a hero and it was Jesus who came to the rescue of Paul, and you, and I. But here is the trick! Though strong He was perceived as weak and did not chose to use His strength, though courageous beyond measure, people probably perceived Him as a coward in His last hours for He would not even rebuke those who were wronging Him. And though it was within Him to be as bold as God for that is who He was, He chose to be as meek as a man for that is what it means to be saved. Who will rescue me? The man of sorrows, that’s who. --Matt Carter, Albermarle church of Christ
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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